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Recent Comments

  1. about 12 hours ago on Wallace the Brave

    “The bubbles! They are endless!” is gonna stick with me for awhile.

  2. 1 day ago on Thatababy

    Never heard of ugli before.

  3. 2 days ago on Sherman's Lagoon

    With discs, they can’t take it away from you or force you to re-buy it. That’s why download is so popular (with gaming producers, not gamers.)

  4. 2 days ago on Nancy Classics

    Meanwhile, my vacuum cleaner won’’t even pick up large crumbs.

  5. 3 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    “It’s not bribery, it’s tipping!” — Clarence Thomas.

  6. 5 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    REST OF THE WORLD: Nothing happened with Y2K, this worry about climate change will be a bust too.

    SCIENTISTS, TECHNICIANS AND ENGINEERS: Y2K didn’t happen because a lot of people worked overtime to make sure it didn’t happen. A lot of people are working to IGNORE climate change.

    REST OF THE WORLD: Whatever, Gloomy Gus! You’re just trying to seize power! What if we make the industrialized world a better, more sustainable system and the rich lose money? That would be a REAL catastrophe!

  7. 5 days ago on Pot-Shots

    How about term limits for unelected powers that be, like SCOTUS judges?

  8. 7 days ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    It’s only on Fridays that Bolling allows original strips. Perhaps that’s why the ban missed him. (SHHH! Everybody be quiet! No flagging, no making inflammatory or insulting posts, maybe we can save the comments here!)

  9. 7 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    When I focus on my breathing, all that I think about is my sinus issues.

  10. 7 days ago on Pickles

    You’re warmer when you’re sick. Cats like to curl up in warm places, like the sunny spot on the rug by the window. So yeah, cats are just cuddling up BECAUSE you’re sick.