
LawrenceS Free

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  1. less than a minute ago on Dick Tracy

    “He was there legitimately, but” But Tracy doesn’t let lack of evidence stop us! Let’s rattle his cage!

  2. 2 minutes ago on Dick Tracy

    You (whoever you are, we haven’t decided – if you looked differently and had a different spelling of your name) are yelling at this poor slob for the problems with the video surveillance system rather than watching loud cat videos instead of watching the door to the toilet (either loud cat video, or he’s deaf not to hear the killer go in and commit murder)?

  3. 6 minutes ago on Dick Tracy

    I’ve never been a big fan of non sequiturs as punchlines. I love the strip Non Sequitur, but that usually doesn’t rely on non sequiturs.

  4. 8 minutes ago on Dick Tracy

    The story, true or not, was that the herrings turned red when smoked. It was a common way to preserve meat before refrigeration. Of course there was also salting. Cod were salted rather than being smoked. In training your hounds (in one version of the story) or in trying to lead them astray (another version) you would put a false scent across the trail. Fresh fish were out of the question, and in the days before refrigeration (see above) a smoked herring was the distraction of choice.

    The problem with smoking herring is keeping the darn thing lit.

  5. 15 minutes ago on Tarzan

    “… the magic power of the swamp.” Allows your mind to project 3D holograms? That is one high tech swamp.

  6. 23 minutes ago on Shoe

    Fries go with everything.

  7. about 17 hours ago on Dick Tracy

    Will it answer the question of why the mayor and governor are acting like their heads are buried in their posteriors? Inquiring minds want to know.

    But I’ll bet 50¢ we aren’t given a clue as to why they were making phone calls.

  8. about 19 hours ago on Dick Tracy

    Neither fast, or slow, is necessarily superior to the other. I experienced speakers who can bore me in 90 seconds, and speakers I remained enthralled with after an hour and wish they could continue. But, as you say, something needs to be happening. I’m willing to accept character development, even if it doesn’t tie directly with the story-line. Nothing may obviously be happening during a suspense building sequence, but it is still of value in building anxiety in the reader. And, as someone who enjoys P.G. Wodehouse I’m willing to have a threadbare and totally predictable plot if the use of English language is entertaining. But (except in humor writing) some kind of sense. That is annoying me more than the pace of this. I mean, even if Heinz Doofenshmirtz thinks his cottoncanianator which will turn steel into spun sugar will enable him to rule the tri-state area he has a clear plan and acts as if that makes sense and Perry sees a need to stop him. No one, governor, mayor, either Totten, TA cop, freelance terrorist, or the police department is acting in any way that presume they think this makes sense.

  9. about 19 hours ago on Broom Hilda

    Sadly, but it becoming easier all the time.

  10. about 20 hours ago on Broom Hilda

    You are correct. It was never modified to the level of hot rod. He has updated his car, but it is still a jalopy in classic sense. In the 1940s he even referred to it as a flivver on occasion.