Everyone: please read the 1932 Nazi party platform document. It’s available online, in English, even. You’ll find Anti-semitism, nationalism, more antisemitism, Leftist ideas like nationalizing health care, requiring profit sharing with workers, confiscating war profits from big companies, and yeah, more anti-semitism.
And more importantly. If a fruit fly travels at 90 miles per hour, both when going East and when going West. and it flies non-stop between the apple and the orange and back again, how many miles has it flown when the apple and orange meet? I actually saw this as a problem once! (Solution: 1st, where will the fruits meet; then calculate the time it took them to meet; then divide the time by 90 mph to get the fruit fly travelling distance.)
Me, too…until a 9th-grade Algebra teacher made a game of it and awarded candy prizes. Many years later, after my career in Chemistry and I.T., I taught Algebra (& story problems) myself. My proudest day was when a former student, who is a manager at my local credit union, told me how much I had helped her learn to enjoy math.
English used to make so much more sense before the Norman Conquest, when the French took over. Language heresies, like silent consonants, were only the beginning.
There are free math aids online. Search for “free math aids”. Find an AI or app the looks fun. (Fun is the key! My teacher made algebra fun, and launched my career in Chemistry and I.T.!) Later, I became an Algebra teacher myself, and tried to make math a game for my students.
Everyone: please read the 1932 Nazi party platform document. It’s available online, in English, even. You’ll find Anti-semitism, nationalism, more antisemitism, Leftist ideas like nationalizing health care, requiring profit sharing with workers, confiscating war profits from big companies, and yeah, more anti-semitism.