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Recent Comments

  1. about 10 hours ago on Gil Thorp

    Who are the Romans playing that scored 19?

  2. about 11 hours ago on Gil Thorp

    You’re gonna run…96 laps…you’re gonna cry, cry, cry, cry now…

  3. about 11 hours ago on Gil Thorp

    Dotty is going to be a lean, mean, fighting machine!

  4. about 11 hours ago on Gil Thorp

    These are all quotes from the movie “Stripes”.

  5. about 24 hours ago on Gil Thorp

    Cami is sued for making Dotty run without her inhaler.

  6. about 24 hours ago on Gil Thorp

    P4: I can’t HEAR you… – Sgt. Hulka

  7. about 24 hours ago on Gil Thorp

    I think a “?” on the t-shirt is more appropriate.

  8. 1 day ago on Gil Thorp

    So if the shortstop boots an easy hopper, somehow that is the whole team’s mistake? There is no I in team, but there is meat, as in meathead.

  9. 2 days ago on Gil Thorp

    Where are they supposed to be in P1? Is that the backstop in pink? Oy…

  10. 2 days ago on Gil Thorp

    The Fist Pump Girls Team…