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  1. about 11 years ago on Luann

    PMark:So far it appears that Karen will give it to her…

  2. about 11 years ago on Luann

    While I hope we don’t stress Evans with all our demands I like that we are now discussing the future of the strip. Seis: I think the school is more likely to be Sun U- albeit she may transfer there later. TJ could bring the food truck to campus- I understand that can be a goldmine of money or it was at my school apparently. I think he is a great character for drama and Evans needs to use him more in that manner. While Brad’s engagement means that TJ won’t set up Brad in conflicts with Girls or some variation of that one- which would force the arc- maybe he will be less than a side character commenting from the truck and have new adventures with the business.

  3. about 11 years ago on Luann Againn

    IT always amazes me that we call bullfighting barbaric but then getting hit in football makes players violent, commit suicide and get major brain problems and super suffer or Earl Campbell is praising Jesus because he can now for the first time in decades stand up to take a shower. It amazes me that Evangelicals are so football crazy when they can tell by brain scans that it bends the brain in the way that suggests suicide and so much more. Would Jesus support a game that causes this severe of a concussion and this much brain damage. But we watch it…

  4. about 11 years ago on Luann

    That’s it Tiff and Luann are going to compete at the food truck and Tiff will do the bikini deal with roller skates or whatever and they will fight for tips. Tiff has a whole 9+ years to go before she can be in college so guys are going to be able to hit on her for a while TJ racks in the cash over her and keeps smiling…

  5. about 11 years ago on Luann

    Levy:Lookit, Mordy said joint…

  6. about 11 years ago on Luann

    Chuston:That’s Evan’s deal like Older like Younger. Frank-Brad and so on. Albeit Brad now seems to be moving away from Frank mode but we shall see…

  7. about 11 years ago on Luann

    Man after Karen is trying to make Quill the star I’m real kind of sorry that I emailed Evans to say if he can’t keep stuff straight or needs help he should get an assistant to keep dates straight and stuff. MJ would nail that historian position for him. I don’t remember if I mentioned Karen could do it or not at this point but man Quill is boring- let’s kill him please!

  8. about 11 years ago on Luann

    I hope the loss of the boomerang means that Evans killed Karen’s idea to make Quill the star of Luann.If they do the college years I hope Evans does my idea on hazing and the Frat and a student dying or almost dying from Alcohol and then the parents forming a group against hazing. He gets dumped in the middle of nowhere from the trunk of the car and they leave him and you don’t know if he is dead or not.Maybe woods, maybe desert. And then Nancy becomes part of an anti-hazing group. We need Evans to get another Reuben. I’m also waiting for Tiff to go after the richest Frat boys and you will see that she has talents and can work it and is not as dumb as you think. I love the call me humor with her- she always makes me laugh and gives me the impure thoughts too- sorry God… Maybe she can compete with Luann for a guy… She won’t get kicked out at 3 in the morning by the poor frat guy who has to clean up all the beer bottles after the party…

  9. about 11 years ago on Peanuts

    Chuck is always mad when Snoopy knocks on the door & why hasn’t he come out and got him. To make him have to sleep on the top of the roof like that is so cold. You know Chuck if you stopped the self-focus on yourself and showed some love for others maybe you wouldn’t feel like such a depressed loser. Maybe you’d start to stay in the moment and move forward. Maybe you’d actually get strike-outs and win games and more.

  10. about 11 years ago on Peanuts

    Why is Chuck so mean to Snoopy? He always seems to resent him being in the house and should always let him sleep in the bed with him. Just dress him up and let him do all the things with the kids and the adults- he walks on 2 legs and acts human. And he doesn’t pea or do like the other dogs. Man, Snoopy can’t get a break. C’mon they’ll just say that he’s a funny looking kid…