Elusive dream girl

Jonathan K. and the Elusive Dream Girl Free

I've been asked, "who is the girl in your avatar?" It's a rendering of someone I encountered long ago who caught my eye, with whom I unsuccessfully tried to establish contact. It's a long, long story, and an experience that has haunted me for years. She's my elusive dream girl.

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Recent Comments

  1. about 20 hours ago on Peanuts

    Here is the origin of the “mayday” call:

    The “mayday” procedure word was conceived as a distress call in the early 1920s by Frederick Stanley Mockford, officer-in-charge of radio at Croydon Airport, England. He had been asked to think of a word that would indicate distress and would easily be understood by all pilots and ground staff in an emergency. Since much of the air traffic at the time was between Croydon and Le Bourget Airport in Paris, he proposed the term “mayday”, the phonetic equivalent of the French m’aidez (“help me”) or m’aider (a short form of venez m’aider, “come [and] help me”). The term is unrelated to the holiday May Day.

    Following tests, the new procedure word was introduced for cross-Channel flights in February 1923. The previous distress call had been the Morse code signal SOS, but this was not considered suitable for voice communication, “[o]wing to the difficulty of distinguishing the letter ‘S’ by telephone”. In 1927, the International Radiotelegraph Convention of Washington adopted the voice call “mayday” as the radiotelephone distress call in addition to the SOS radiotelegraph (Morse code) signal.

    From Wikipedia.

  2. about 21 hours ago on Dick Tracy

    Maybe the biker dude underlined certain sections for her. Since he already knows the clues, it gives him a head start if he wants to pursue the treasure. He’s already coming out ahead thanks to the cash she gave him.

  3. 3 days ago on Peanuts


  4. 5 days ago on PreTeena

    According to an Internet article (that has long since been deleted) Allison Barrows quit PreTeena in 2008 to “pursue other projects.” She had talked about a possible revival online or in some other format, but nothing ever became of it. The strip ended 16 years ago, so I doubt if she still monitors the publication dates. It’s obvious she has moved on to something else.

    It’s too bad because this was always one of my favorite comics, and still is.

  5. 5 days ago on PreTeena

    Here is the correct strip for today:

    www. gocomics. com /preteena/2002/04/15

    PreTeena ended in 2008 and is currently on its third repeat. It has been out of sync with the calendar ever since. I have contacted GoComics about this in the past but have never received a response.

    The latest round of repeats is now being displayed with a reduced image size, making some of the strips difficult to read. I’m guessing GoComics no longer cares because the material is 22 years old. Maybe they are trying to discourage readership so they will have an excuse to drop this strip in favor of something newer. I don’t know.

    I’ll be skipping this for the next month. Who wants to read about Christmas in April?

  6. 6 days ago on PreTeena

    According to Wikipedia, Allison Barrows based PreTeena on an idea she originally had for a children’s book:

    en. wikipedia. org /wiki/ PreTeena

  7. 6 days ago on PreTeena

    www. gocomics. com /preteena/2002/12/08

  8. 8 days ago on PreTeena

    They had a fire going in the fireplace:

    www. gocomics. com /preteena/2024/04/06

  9. 10 days ago on PreTeena

    It must have come on briefly. Yesterday Teena’s mom said, “We lost power again last night.”

  10. 11 days ago on Phoebe and Her Unicorn

    This story arc first ran on:

    www. gocomics. com/ phoebe-and-her-unicorn/2021/07/05