In 2023, Indiana’s per capita income was $61,243, ranking 39 among the fifty states. In 2023, the average family size was 2.49 making the average family income $152,495 when in real life the average family can barely afford a two bedroom apartment. Accountants own calculators from hell.Indiana is 90% white and 70% Republican.Indiana is mostly Christian, except some of the Christians do not consider Catholics to be Christian.The Indiana legislature is primarily a single party Republican unit and plans to revamp public education into a more Christian model.The average age of death in Indiana is 77.5 compared to 77.43 for the U.S. The average age of death in Canada is 81.3. Colorado is 78.3 and Mississippi 71.9. For 2021, the average of death in Louisiana was 72.6. Indiana did well for life expectancy. The average age of death for red states was 75.7 and blue states 77.7In general, Indiana residents enjoy sports.Indiana residents own about 23.1 firearms per 1,000 citizens.
This is fewer than Mississippi and Louisiana. Indiana also had few deaths by gun in 2021 at a mere 18.15/100,000. There is no charge for a firearms carry permit. In fact you do not even have to have a permit. In 2024, the average Indiana apartment rent was $1,293/ month. The average U.S. apartment rent was $1,748 for 901 square feet. The per capita beer consumption for Indiana was 25.9 gallon, less than Mississippi or Louisiana. Indiana came in a mere 38% for obesity behind Mississippi, Louisiana, and Oklahoma at 40%, but West Virginia ate the cake at a whopping 41%. The undertakers are complaining they have to buy extra-large coffins which do not fit through some doors and sometimes do not fit into the vault. Indiana ranks 38 in terms of drinking water quality. 1 being really good. 73% of the
The angel must be deluded.