A common  tater

A Common 'tator Free

Born Wimbledon... Ex-lorry driver... Moved from UK to France 2002... Now teaching English ESL (TEFL Qualified)... DELF B1... 300/600 points towards my OU Degree... I registered with Uclick in 1997...

Recent Comments

  1. about 2 hours ago on Non Sequitur

    You sound just like her…

  2. about 4 hours ago on Non Sequitur

    She hasn’t met me yet… I don’t want frighten her off… before I have a chance…

  3. about 4 hours ago on Andy Capp

    You too… If we each do our bit… We may have a chance…


  4. about 8 hours ago on Andy Capp

    I DO agree 100% with that… I’ve mentioned certain volunteer work I do… One I tend keep low profile… is my prison teaching… The problems are very complicated… Recidivism is a very delicate problem too… There are solutions however… I believe that…

  5. about 9 hours ago on Andy Capp

    Of course, I have to. That way you’ve no excuse for missing a point. Evidentially, English isn’t your first language…

  6. about 9 hours ago on Brewster Rockit

    During the 2½ decades I’ve interacted with our American cousins, on this forum, I’ve learned most of the idiosyncrasies, between our nations. I love making the comparisons. They’re such fun…

  7. about 11 hours ago on Andy Capp

    You see, that’s the difference between NOT reading the lies that sell papers, or actually living the truth. You Americans are so brainwashed by the BS you’re fed. You actually believe it now. The British are more circumspect, open-minded and recognise BS. My mother was born in Burdett Road and believe me she certainly wasn’t Muslim…

    Whitechapel has become far too gentrified to ban anyone…

    No-go zones are relative. I used to teach in the Muslim quarter of Bourges, wearing not one, but two Stars of David. My colleagues feared for my life, but I only ever received respect from my students and their families…

    Moss Side was another matter, but much improved today…

    So tell me about New York :

    Hunts Point _The most dangerous neighbourhood in NYC is Hunts Point. Located in the Bronx, Hunts Point is one of the worst parts of New York due to the prostitution and drug issues that run rampant in the area. Your chance of being a victim in Hunts Point is about 1 in 22. Of most concern, sexual assault cases are rising in Hunts Point, making it an unsafe place to visit.

    The average violent crime rate is about 1,944 per 100,000 people, and the average crime rate is about 4,557 per 100,000 people. Whether you’re visiting New York City or planning a move, it’s best to keep away from Hunts Point if you can do so during your visit or residency in the city._

    This information was supplied by your local estate agents. Hardly in their interests to put properties down, but they’re just telling the truth.

    No other city in the world has that sort of infamy. Put you’re own house in order before trying to denigrate someone else, with newspaper-selling lies…

    Brownsville, Mott Haven, Bedford-Stuyvesant, Midtown, East Harlem, Fordham, Highbridge, Bushwick, Tremont, East New York, Jamaica…

    You want the truth? Come over here and see for yourself. Stop waving newspapers in front of your faces, you won’t see anything.

  8. about 14 hours ago on Andy Capp

    And you’ve completely reassured me too… Your explanation is perfect… Thank you… In French it’s Coloscopie

  9. about 14 hours ago on Andy Capp

    A couple ’o bob is two shillings…

    You took me back to college days… late 60s and early 70s… having to turn the key on the meter… pre decimalisation

  10. about 16 hours ago on Non Sequitur

    Exactly… I don’t want my girlfriend to be embarrassed or ashamed of being seen with me…