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Yes, we don’t EVER want Agnes to end~~~~~~~~~~~~Not EVER!!!!!!!
Malted SNOW??????????
Oh, dear, I have to say I wouldn’t even try that! And I LIKE cucumbers!!!!!!!
AAAWWWWWWWWWWW, Cosmik Cowboy, That’s so sad.
Yum! cream OR cottage cheese, apple chunks, walnuts with lime or red Jell-o would be good!!!!!!!!!!
No, no, the news is scary enough.
Howdy, and good night, dear Ballardear.
Why do they do this to people?
Maybe they are cheapskates—-2 clients for the price of one.
a sage———Oh, DEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Putting the fires OUT with them, or STARTING fires with them????
Yes, we don’t EVER want Agnes to end~~~~~~~~~~~~Not EVER!!!!!!!