Better not eat that turkey on the right, he might taste funny.
Well, 6 if you count the two behind the decimal point
Radar Love, guaranteed to get you a speeding ticket
I’m still just OK
“You can get anything you want, at Alice’s Restaurant, excepting Alice.”
“Bow, b b bow, b bow bow bow, b b bow bow bob, b dang a dang dang, ding a dong ding, blue moon…”
Yeah, Abe Lincoln said taht.
Actually golf takes all the fun out of golf
Another plugger skill is using a butter knife to open a pickle jar.
Slots are easy. You put in money, you pull the lever, and then you have noises and spinny things and lights and then you do it again. Keep going until you run out of money. If you somehow win something, then bring it back the next day and lose it.
Better not eat that turkey on the right, he might taste funny.