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- almost 7 years ago on Michael Andrew
almost 7 years ago
on Michael Andrew
Trump is doing more good for constitutional rights for legal citizens than any president I have voted for since Ike. He is trying to restore the rights taken away by 8 years of Obama! He is working for “free” and works hard more hours than anyone else in D.C. He does not smoke or drink and he seeks guidance from Evangelicals….not even Reagan did that! Haters of Trump IMO are satanic.
almost 7 years ago
on Nick Anderson
Flake is a loser facing Arizona voter desertions. Trump is not a “despot” and we never had a “democracy”! We have a representative Republic…read the US Constitution! Trump more loyal to the Constitution than congress is!
almost 7 years ago
on Lalo Alcaraz
Too many Hater cartoonists and Hater viewers! I like Bannon on politics!
almost 7 years ago
on Lalo Alcaraz
Too many Hater cartoonists and Hater viewers! I like Bannon on politics!
almost 7 years ago
on Lalo Alcaraz
Too many Hater cartoonists and Hater viewers! I like Bannon on politics!
almost 7 years ago
on Bad Reporter
I hope someday the video is reshown on world TV for everyone to see and hear Obama’s Kenyan grandmother saying she was present at his birth in Kenya! I won’t forget seeing that “proof” that any US birth certificate must be suspicious….and there is testimony by experts in judging printed documents that O’s certificate has not been proven authentic!
almost 7 years ago
on Bad Reporter
I hope someday the video is reshown on world TV for everyone to see and hear Obama’s Kenyan grandmother saying she was present at his birth in Kenya! I won’t forget seeing that “proof” that any US birth certificate must be suspicious….and there is testimony by experts in judging printed documents that O’s certificate has not been proven authentic!
almost 7 years ago
on Lisa Benson
Sen. Feinstein is not the chairman of the committee; she was not authorized to release what may have been a classified document; but it does show that Fusion’s CEO is untruthful! And the DNC and Hillary campaign paid $millions for the Steele “dossier” which he paid the Moscow disinformation bureau of Russia for everything he wrote in his lying 35 pages and gave to the FBI who knew better, nothing confirmed except Carter had publicly stated he made one trip to Russia to give a speech! Nothing else was “verified” and is the lie the FBI took to get a pass to spy on the GOP prez campaign in 2016 from the FISA court! Biggest scandal in US federal history!
almost 7 years ago
on Michael Ramirez
I like and agree with this cartoon. Thank You!
Trump is doing more good for constitutional rights for legal citizens than any president I have voted for since Ike. He is trying to restore the rights taken away by 8 years of Obama! He is working for “free” and works hard more hours than anyone else in D.C. He does not smoke or drink and he seeks guidance from Evangelicals….not even Reagan did that! Haters of Trump IMO are satanic.