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  1. 5 days ago on Frazz

    As someone who celebrates Dia de Muertos (note there is no “los” – that’s how native Hispanics refer to it), prepares special foods to “share” with our dead and makes pan de muerto at home – most of us have zero issues with Halloween and readily participate in both.

    And it’s hard to thing of a much more pagan (in the traditional term) than Dia de Muertos – it has so ingrained and hard to eradicate by the Spanish colonists that they eventually had to incorporate it as a Christian holiday.

  2. 11 days ago on Frazz

    Chess opening trees :)

  3. 11 days ago on Frazz

    gotta love German – feindlich vs. freundlich

  4. 12 days ago on Frazz

    Nope. But reasonable approximation.

  5. about 1 month ago on Frazz

    I pulled an all-nighter with the Dragon Tattoo. Still enjoyed the other ones but was not as obsessive about them!

  6. about 1 month ago on Frazz

    same here!

  7. about 1 month ago on Frazz

    I only got one- age 9/10 (Grade 3 to 4). Normally school teachers didn’t have the foresight/continuity to assign them, but one of them did. I think I read a kid’s version of the ChineseCcinderella (maybe inspiration for the more known version?)

    I still pull an “all nighter read” about once or twice per year. I don’t read as much as I used to but some books are still that gripping.

  8. about 2 months ago on Frazz

    Love Sturgeon. “When You’re Smiling” is still my favourite about 30 years after first reading it.

    Also very much like Killdozer!

  9. about 2 months ago on Frazz

    as a fellow bike nut: pain is universal, but suffering is optional.

  10. about 2 months ago on Frazz

    Takes all sorts, doesn’t it? I like a Tale of Two Cities. Also liked Les Miserables, Don Quixote, and a few other “epic” size books.

    From the classics, Crime and Punishment was my bane. Didn’t like the character, style, or message. Because it was part of a book club tried to push trough but just ditched the whole set together.