I remember when this started. At the time, Scott was still the political cartoonist for the Birmingham News. And it’s not unusual for skills to “improve” over time, only it’s not really so much “skills improving” as it is details changing/being added. Compare the earliest Garfields to today’s Garfield.
It doesn’t matter whether you or I think he’s guilty of war crimes. What matters is what is thought by the current leaders of other countries in which he might land.
On the other hand, our high school instrumental music program was so serious that the last day of school my senior, we had nothing to do. So we sight-read “An American in Paris.”
@mightaswellbe: There was a C-5 with orphans on board that went down, but it was an aircraft failure; it wasn’t shot down. Fuller details here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Babylift
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