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  1. over 3 years ago on Jeff Danziger

    Whittaker Chambers is long gone, as is Alger Hiss, but this image reminds me of a shameful period in American history. I believe Mr. Danziger’s portrayal of Mitch McConnell draws a parallel to the infamous “pumpkin patch”, where Chambers hid “Top Secret” documents he claimed to have been purloined and given to him by Alger Hiss (a State Department official).

    Chambers had been an American Communist, and alleged that Hiss had been one too. All of this drama took place during the McCarthy Era, when “tail gunner Joe” tried to bring about the demise of the Democratic Party.

    I see little difference in McConnell’s accumulation of bills which passed from the House of Representatives, but never got to be voted on in the Senate while he was Majority Leader. Thanks to the recalcitrance of Democrat Senators Manchin and Sinema, Mitch has been able to stymy (to a great extent) the Democrats’ ability to use their potential majority ( in reference to Madame Speaker Harris) to get bills to a vote, without a political struggle.

    Just as Hiss was accused of being a foreign operative in the ’50’s, it is my opinion that Mr.McConnell has performed that function for some years now, by rendering our Legislative Branch, and to some extent, the Judicial Branch, unable and/or unwilling to exercise the impartiality required to be a true democracy.

    Thus, the man who portrays himself as a “country bumpkin”, looks to me like a “Chambers’pumpkin”.

  2. over 3 years ago on Doonesbury

    Try, try, and try again. Use any medium at your disposal, and try to maintain an optimistic approach. If you don’t believe in an idea, or fail to see it as significant, then you will surely fail. If that is your opinion, you needn’t impose your negativity upon those who are willing to try. Make way for those who are willing to try.

  3. over 3 years ago on Doonesbury

    I also taught (history in public schools), so I can appreciate your viewpoint. It’s just that I saw more socializing leading to drug use, and it was quite disruptive to the “group efforts” at staying focused. If a child’s home is a safe environment, I think that is more conducive to learning, as opposed to coping with distractions not found in the home.

    I believe I implied that students who need a teacher’s assistance, should be able to schedule a conference with the teacher.

  4. over 3 years ago on Doonesbury

    (continued from the above)…, discard our “two party system” in favor of platforms demanded by the populace. It would really be refreshing to see those who aspire to office be expected to get behind meaningful ideas, rather than spout platitudes and/or divisive rhetoric. Such an “idyllic” system could inspire voters to breathe life into our democracy.

    I know that many, (and possibly all), of you who’ve voiced your opinions in this thread will consider me a “Pollyanna”, devoid of realistic proposals. That doesn’t bother me, as I confess to being a dreamer ( as was John Lennon, who coincidentally was shot on the night of my eight wedding anniversary). I’m still married to the woman with whom I was celebrating when that horrific event occurred.

    These days, however, I prefer the previously alluded to quotation by George Bernard Shaw to the volume of impressive lyrics of Mr. Lennon. I think that’s because the former quote was the first to affect my appetite for idealism. Yet I must admit that the latter’s composition entitled “Imagine” deserves great accolades, especially since the poetry of that piece came from a soul which I know suffered greatly for his opinions.

  5. over 3 years ago on Doonesbury

    I see a lot of truth in all of the above comments. The debate reminds me of when RFK quoted George Bernard Shaw, just days before he was assassinated. Perhaps many of you will remember him saying, “Some people see things as they are and say, Why?” I dream of how things can be and say, Why not?" (I hope you’ll forgive me if that “quote” is not verbatim).

    Our country has a long history of meddling in the affairs of others, while overlooking it’s own flaws. Currently, we seem to be “reaping the whirlwind”.

    Regarding education, children should be taught “logical thought processes” as soon as ispossible. Some families are affluent enough to begin that education before their children enroll in schools. If all families had computers, perhaps our school systems could function as “doctors”, accessible to all who need some remedial tutelage. ( I don’t ascribe to the belief that children “need” to attend school to social skills, but that’s just me).

    If the money that is used to elect (and maintain) politicians was to be banned (read “lobbying”), maybe we could develop an era of “independent representatives of the people”. Those monies would and could be spent to finance the above educational reforms. As for what should be taught after children can demonstrate an ability to think and act logically, I’d start with verbal skills, then reading and writing. Math, history, science will lead students to discover their own paths. ( I’d just as soon let our most creative educators refine the process as I’m no expert). However, I don’t believe any child’s development should be harnessed by structures which rely upon their age. Their development should be a progression, built upon whatever skills they’ve mastered (re: Jerome Bruner’s “readiness” hierarchy).

    I hope (and believe) that a better educated populace would make our “politicians” really represent the interests of their constituents. Institute “one voter gets one vote”, ascribe to abolish the Electoral College…

  6. over 3 years ago on Herman

    That car reminds me of my ‘63 Plymouth Fury. It was olive drab, too! I’ll bet once that brood piles out, the interior will resemble the way it looked after I’d loaned it to my brother (while I was in college).

  7. over 3 years ago on Matt Davies

    Unfortunately, there are quite a few people who wear masks, have been vaccinated, and do their best to avoid close contact with others (some of whom they know, but don’t know how “isolated or distanced” they’ve been with the general public). Yet, no matter how hard they try, are still vulnerable to new variants, or perhaps the efficacy of their vaccine(s) is waning.

    My heart goes out to them, but my deepest concerns are for our youngsters, who have not been vaccinated, and their parents. Overcrowded classrooms, often understaffed with teachers and aides who (understandably) cannot fully control, patrol, or provide sanitary conditions, are beginning to be seen as the next sources of mass infections. A better plan must be devised.

    Please try to understand that it’s not just the brazenly inconsiderate who shun masks, vaccines, and social distancing that will be endangering themselves, their families, and friends.

    Give a compassionate thought for those innocents who are being forced into contact with the aforementioned, who seem to feel that they have a right to be free to flirt with a deadly virus, protected by their religion, or their skepticism.

  8. over 3 years ago on Get Fuzzy

    It’s obvious to me that “authors” who come up with phrases like the one you cited, aren’t really trying to communicate; It’s more like they’re trying to confound those who may not have as vast a vocabulary as their own.

    I liken it to the phrase, “If you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bull*#!t”.

  9. over 3 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Congratulations! Your comments are quite correct overall. The Electoral College was devised by our forefathers as a tool to “correct” instances where the voting public tried to elect “firebrands”. That is to say, any popular individual who dared to express a desire to change the status quo.

    We were never taught to view our leaders who took the initiative to write the “Declaration of Independence”, or the “Articles of Confederation”, and finally “The Constitution” as anything less than heroes. Quite a few of them were, yet they were also members of “the landed gentry” (what we refer to today as “The Establishment”).

    The Presidential Election of 1824 exemplifies how powerful the monied interests can exert an undue influence on who wins The Presidency, regardless of who gathers the popular AND the Electoral vote.

    As for “gerrymandering”, until our Representatives recognize the ideal of democracy, (which is a government of, by, and for the people), rather than to pander to whomever will finance their re-election, “We, The People” have lost.

  10. over 3 years ago on Jeff Danziger

    I always thought living beings required a heart & brain to live, but you have proven that theory wrong.