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  1. about 2 months ago on Arlo and Janis

    Yea, that’s why the Obamas bought a beachfront home on Martha’s Vineyard.

  2. 3 months ago on Arlo and Janis

    I dye my hair and it covers the gray.

  3. 4 months ago on The Born Loser

    Sorry you don’t believe, but you will find out some day and then it will be too late. May God Bless you and watch over you and bring change to your heart.

  4. 4 months ago on The Born Loser

    God is all around you. The greatness of the mountains, the depths of the oceans, the power of the waterfalls, the amazing beauty and color of all the birds, the plants that grow and feed us, the chickens that lay eggs for us to eat and the chickens that provide protein that our bodies need, the milk from cows and the things that the milk is made into: cheese, etc. and the cows that provide leather for various goods and protein, all the other animals that provide food. The bees that pollinate the plants. Without bees, we would have no vegetables, we would have no honey. Do you think all these things just went poof and here they are? The human body, all the intricacies that make the body live, the body is amazing. That a woman, a biological woman, can grow another human inside her. Have you or any family member or friend, had any close calls while driving, any near accidents, of any kind and you came out with little to no injuries. That is GOD watching over you. As someone else said, previously, I would rather believe and be wrong, than not believe and be wrong and I BELIEVE. Your eternity is in your hands, Believe.

  5. 7 months ago on Arlo and Janis

    The keeping of DST has been tried, twice, in the past. The last time under President Nixon. It was to be a test, lasting 2 years. It was scrapped within 1 year. Children walking to school or waiting for their bus, in the dark. Several kids were hit by cars, that didn’t see them and some were even killed. Leave it at Standard time. The natural way, it is supposed to be.

  6. 7 months ago on Rose is Rose

    I thought the same thing, about the sun light, but then saw a sun lamp, at least I think it’s a sun lamp.

  7. 8 months ago on Arlo and Janis

    People don’t go to yard sales expecting to use credit cards.

  8. 9 months ago on The Born Loser

    The open one, is not that open.

  9. 11 months ago on Arlo and Janis

    I am a Christian and I believe what the Bible says. Once Jesus comes back, and no one knows when that will be, (although all the signs are saying we are in the last days, which still could be 100+years) it will begin the 7 year Tribulation. After the 7 years, Jesus will come back again and will reign on Earth for 1000 years. Then and only then, and only by GOD, will the Earth be destroyed, and a new Heaven and Earth will be created. So, if Jesus would come back as I am writing this, the earth still has 1007 years. This is my belief as a Christian and I will not respond to anyone’s negative comments or any comments. Read the Bible, if you want to know more.

  10. about 1 year ago on Rose is Rose

    If you read the very first comment, ’I’ve been away for awhile’.