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Auntie Clockwise Free

Fully retired but Professor Emeritus at the Emily Carr University Of Art And Design.

Recent Comments

  1. about 6 hours ago on Nancy Classics

    Are you in the UK somewhere?

    I was there in 1963-64, studying Art & design at the University of Coventry/Coventry College Of Art.

    A wonderful year I’ll never forget.

  2. about 20 hours ago on Dick Tracy

    The last panel in today’s strip shows Tracy wearing an awesome striped tie!

  3. about 20 hours ago on Dick Tracy

    Have you any idea when his scheme will become "foiled in time… "? Weeks from now?

    At the current moment, previous adventures have shown me that an ending is nowwhere in sight for quite some time, and typically, a few weeks are involved.

  4. about 20 hours ago on Dick Tracy

    Yeah, in panel three of today’s postings, Tracy’s left hand appears to be minus one finger.

    The index finger is in place, and the middle finger is also where it might be, but a strange excuse for a 4th finger isn’t visible from my view.

    Past that point, a smidgen of a fourth finger or a very strange shape of a little finger appears as part of Tracy’s left hand. Could it be Dick just left it somewhere outside the panel.

  5. about 20 hours ago on Dick Tracy

    Almost living proof, I’d say.

  6. about 20 hours ago on Nancy Classics

    I don’t go anywhere near the work of Gilchrist or James. If do go near that stuff, I’m inclined to cast spells on that pair of no-goods.

  7. about 20 hours ago on Nancy Classics

    I am moved to cheering your precise post. Thank you!

  8. about 20 hours ago on Nancy Classics

    Today I purchased a copy of "Nancy & Sluggo’s Guide To Life.”

    I find it to be a wonderful collection of many ”unseen” strips in a recently published book from last year.

    Denis Kitchen put it together, and has written a superb introduction to the project.

    Following Denis’s written preamble, there are 139 pages of Bushmiller’s magic and mysteries.

    If you enjoy Ernie’s work with Nancy & Sluggo, I think you might be very pleased with a reading of it.

  9. about 21 hours ago on Dick Tracy

    Neil, Thank you for posting this.

    I read the leading panel above and was invaded by sadness for awhile.

    The TV report is comforting, knowing the wife of the officer and their child are bearing up over their tragic loss.

  10. 1 day ago on Dick Tracy

    Today I learned that Grace Slick is eighty-five years old!

    I trust that I’ll have that kind of staying power. I’ll be 82 years old in June of this year.