When I folded my boys’ clothes, I would match the different outfits before putting them away. Yet, on the days that I had to go to work early and my husband had to get the boys ready for school/daycare, this is what they looked like when I picked them up(points at Calvin in the last panel.)
A hospital in our area was promoting a robotic instrument they purchased to assist with surgeries. The surgeon admitted that his proficiency with video games helped him in using the robot during surgery.
I rented a small apartment when I was doing my internship. My landlord was a constant thorn in my side. Some time after I moved out, I went to visit my old neighbors. They told me that the person that took the apartment after me had done a lot of damage. I try not to be a vengeful person but I couldn’t help but get some satisfaction from that news.
I think they are holding onto 2-slices cord.