Even though most commercial eggs are unfertilised, quite literally thousands of male chicks are macerated or gassed to death every day after being sexed because they are useless to the egg industry: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chick_culling
You don’t have to maintain it—it simply is ‘lie low’.‘Lay low’ is absolutely incorrect. Lay/laying/laid; Lie/lying/lain.Its incorrect usage is fairly ubiquitous in most (American) media. However, if you simply understand how lie/lying/lain and lay/laying/laid function, or even the difference between ‘lying low’ and ‘laying (someone) low’, then it’s abundantly clear why it’s incorrect. Oh well :) Kudos for spotting it and pointing out out. Fun fact: apparently GoComics doesn’t appreciate paragraphs.
Lazy English should never be accepted. I groan my head off at people who can’t make the distinction between lay/lie and their tenses, too.