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  1. 4 days ago on Chip Bok

    Dude, we get it. You can stop browbeating him and crowing about someone being killed. You’re starting to sound deranged.

  2. 4 days ago on Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons

    Republicans love anecdotes. They can be ridiculous outliers when compared to actual data, but they can be very persuasive, and, perhaps most importantly, very difficult to fact-check.

  3. 6 days ago on Mike Beckom

    Zero substance. Just empty accusations. Do you have anything specific?

  4. 7 days ago on Mike Beckom

    It was an area designated for people on tours to leave their belongings, not an area for authorized personnel. Stop lying.

  5. 7 days ago on Mike Beckom

    I am acutely aware of what Dementia looks like, I’ve had relatives die from it. Those ARE symptoms of dementia, but are also common symptoms of aging. Your body doesn’t always move as easily, you tire more easily, and your mind isn’t always as sharp. Verbally stumbling a bit and taking longer to find the word you want, that gets more common for almost everyone as they age. Even non-elderly people do that more as they age.

    Descending into gibberish word salad while slurring words and repeatedly mixing up names are MUCH more specifically identified as symptoms of dementia. Which of our elderly presidential candidates does those more often? It ain’t Biden.

  6. 7 days ago on Ted Rall

    I get the concerns, but I trust the fact that the evidence was presented, and a jury came to a guilty verdict. While the legal theory may have been novel, the case successfully conveyed the gravity of the wrongdoing. I agree that other cases against Trump are much stronger.

  7. 7 days ago on Ted Rall

    On Rall’s last cartoon, I defended him but said I don’t always agree with him… yeah, this is one of those times I don’t agree with him. I wan criminals treated equally and appropriately punished. No special treatment for politicians or candidates for office.

  8. 7 days ago on Mike Beckom

    This drug slander about Biden drives me crazy. There are so many witnesses that attest to Trump being addicted to Adderall, and have said so for YEARS, well before he was a presidential nominee, and yet they keep throwing this baseless accusation about Biden around because sometimes when he gives speeches, he’s more lucid than they’d like him to be, so he must be on drugs. It’s ridiculous.

    Biden IS old. Sometimes he moves like an old person, sometimes he talks like an old person, and sometimes his memory is like that of an old person. That doesn’t mean he’s demented.

  9. 7 days ago on Ted Rall

    Why do the Democrats on goComics hate Rall so much? I’m about as left as they come, and he’s lefter than me! He hates Trump, okay? He hates the Republican Party! But there are dozens of lefty cartoonists to bash Trump. The Republicans say they’re going to do horrible things, and then do them. Democrats say they’re going to do good things, and mostly just keep the most horrible things from happening. (in this country. They often actively help horrible things happen abroad.)

    Is most Democrat governmental failure due to Republican resistance and stonewalling? A good chunk of it, yeah. But the truth is, the Democratic Party is far too moderate.

    Anyway, my point is, Ted Rall finds this a much richer vein to work in. It’s a much more challenging critique than your typical “my side good, your side stupid” stuff. I don’t always agree with Rall, but I do always read him, and the shallow criticisms he gets slapped with from both sides are exhausting to read. Take some criticism of your team!

  10. 7 days ago on Ted Rall

    This is true, but it doesn’t mean the point isn’t accurate: the Republicans are even more pro-genocide.