
Whatever happened to common sense? Free

Like it says, I am not a troll. Trolls disrupt conversations for their own amusement. I post things because I am trying to educate.

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  1. 4 minutes ago on Peanuts

    “The Count” obviously doesn’t have a life if he feels the need to insert stupid politics into a general audience comic strip like Peanuts.

    I noticed his user name has changed again. How many times has this guy been banned? He never learns.

  2. 4 days ago on Doonesbury

    Elon Musk seems to have some fixation with the letter X. He has children named X Æ A-Xii, Exa and Saxon.

    Then there’s SpaceX and the stupid social media site “X.”

  3. 8 days ago on Peanuts

    A “commie ploy” ? Seriously? What decade are you living in? You obviously don’t know the definition of the word.

    Communism is a regulated economic system in which the state owns the means of production, sets manufacturing quotas and fixes prices; as opposed to a free-market, supply-and-demand-driven economy. Agricultural land is collectivized, ownership of private property is prohibited, and private enterprise is outlawed. Everything is property of, and controlled by, the state.

    And you wonder why you continue to get banned.

  4. 12 days ago on Peanuts

    DST = Daylight Stupid Time. It’s pointless and should have been abolished decades ago.

  5. 13 days ago on Rose is Rose

    You are offended by someone joking about throwing a cat against the wall, yet turn around and joke about people drowning themselves?

  6. 13 days ago on Rose is Rose

    The cat should be kept in separate room and the bedroom door should be shut. Who pays the bills here, the owners or the cat?

    Animals should be properly cared for but not worshipped.

  7. 19 days ago on Rose is Rose

    People can’t seem to grasp the concept that it is very easy to warm up when the weather is cold. Put on a sweater or throw an extra blanket on the bed. It’s so simple.

    When it’s hot there is no escape. I will take winter over the miserable months of July and August any time.

  8. 19 days ago on Doonesbury

    "Bow down before the one you serve.

    You’re going to get what you deserve."

  9. 19 days ago on Doonesbury

    Doonesbury is social commentary and satire, which can include politics.

  10. 19 days ago on Doonesbury

    It’s a shame that Elon Musk has lost his way. Here was a guy who started companies which produced batteries and electric vehicles, things that are sorely needed today to help solve the problems of global warming and the need for clean, renewable sources of energy.

    His first mistake was spending $44 billion on an idiotic social media site. His second, and biggest, mistake was getting involved in politics.

    I used to have some admiration for this guy, now I have zero.