I kind of stepped away from this strip for a while. Hated Bets with a passion. I’ve been lurking on the strip, but not the comments. I think I’ve graduated from “hating” to “strong dislike,” so I guess that’s progress. Possibly because I haven’t seen Bets with a cell phone in her hand for a while now. So, we shall see what we shall see.
I almost left with the whole Ann Awful thing. Now, I’m about to leave again. The world is already full of fighting and meanness. I don’t need it in a comic strip.
Oh, this is NOT okay. And frankly, I’m a little surprised GnK went there. Probably going to lose a lot of the younger readers when their parents find out.
What if….what if, I say…what if there’s NOTHING going on in there? What if they’re rearranging the room using Tiffany’s suggestion of bunk beds? Hmmmm? Time will tell…
Sigh….I could use Writey. I’ve been dry as a bone lately and haven’t written a word worth reading.