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garysee Free

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  1. about 9 hours ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    I read the Quiet Revolution article. Very partially true. There is a small wing of the Dems that fit, but they have been shoved to the side, contrary to what the hyper-GOP-Fox-MAGAt media claims (“they’re ALL commies !”). Heck, nowadays, anyone left of George Will is a “commie”.

    Certainly, that small wing is the loudest and the most annoying, but they were rejected in 2020. Sanders and Warren lost. AOC and her little posse have no real power. Today’s Dem party (very flawed as it is) is much closer to JFK than today’s GOP is to Reagan. Sadly, it’s the GOP that has let the inmates rule the asylum. Hate and Fear have taken over. (I didn’t leave the GOP; the GOP left me.)

  2. about 9 hours ago on Tank McNamara

    True, but are you going to have girls play on 10 ft rims in grade school, middle school, and high school, and then 9 ft rims in college?

  3. about 10 hours ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    To me sports are like at the end of your post…after the game, all go out for ice cream (or beer or whatever). In school, you fought hard, “winning is the only thing”, but the next day at school you’re friends again. Politics s/b like that. Fight to win, but respect afterward.

  4. 1 day ago on Tank McNamara

    Some are adjustable, but most in school gyms are not.

  5. 8 days ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Depends on your definition of disaster. Inflation might end up slightly higher under Biden. We’ll be stuck with NATO, Ukraine will still be a country, and we can forget about a strategic alliance with Russia.

  6. 10 days ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Nobody believes that Biden is vibrant or strong, but the Dems have no other choice. The kicker is that the GOP had a strong, intelligent, experienced candidate that would have easily wiped Biden out of the white house. Instead, they chose a demented (just like his father), mentally feeble, dictator-wannabe criminal who doesn’t give a crap about the people who worship him. So we have to hold our nose and vote for Biden to prevent disaster.

  7. 20 days ago on B.C.

    home (for the “let me know when you get home” people)be there in 10on the patio….was on 3 separate lines (home…be there in 10…on the patio) when I typed it. Why does this site smoosh them together like that?

    And yes, I know god didn’t create texting. It’s called humor. (But then again, isn’t He the supposed creator of EVERYTHING? Didn’t He foresee texting? And lo it was good.)

  8. 21 days ago on B.C.

    “With rare exceptions, if it’s not important enough for a phone call, or a conversation, it’s not important enough for my time.”

    home (for the “let me know when you get home” people)be there in 10on the patio

    Just a few examples of things that aren’t worth a phone call / conversation / awkward hanging up. Exactly the reason god created texting.

  9. about 1 month ago on For Better or For Worse

    It’s how TV shows jumped the shark: add a little kid…going back to Oliver in the Brady Bunch.

  10. about 1 month ago on The Argyle Sweater

    My grandfather was from Peteo, near the Arctic circle. He referred to Oland as “that pile of rocks your grandmother came from”.