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Better write it fast. Those MAGA terrorists think they’ve got a “mandate” now. Next time, they’ll come back with more gasoline.
Best document the history now, before Dear Leader Trump repeals the 1st Amendment.
Wow. Tell me you don’t understand the electoral college system without using those words. I’m surprised that you’re so willing to publicly admit your lack of intelligence. But… you do you.
Word salad? You obviously haven’t been listening to Rump’s speeches.
If only the MAGA terrorists in real-world Ohio were as well mannered…
I see a shallow grave in Stef’s future. Hopefully.
I hear strains of Clarence Clemmons’ saxophone.
“…there’s an opera on the turnpike, a ballet being fought out in the alley…”
Things are about to get ugly. Jungleland, indeed.
I doubt you fit the bill. You seem to have some degree of self-awareness and you can spell.
In real-world Ohio, the MAGA terrorists would’ve beaten her to a pulp by now.
You can tell that Batty has never been around a REAL mob. Like the crazed loons screaming threats to the press at Trump rallies.
The real-world MAGA terrorists are calling bomb threats in Ohio. These guys look like they’re at a prayer meeting.
Better write it fast. Those MAGA terrorists think they’ve got a “mandate” now. Next time, they’ll come back with more gasoline.