
Georgia Dunn Creator

Hello! I'm the cartoonist behind 'Breaking Cat News!' I enjoy illustrating, cartooning, baking, antique shops, old-timey detective shows, and anything with avocados. Wife, mother, cat lover. One day I hope to be a little old lady who rides around town on her bicycle solving mysteries.

Recent Comments

  1. 1 day ago on Breaking Cat News

    I do not mind the nitpicking one bit—it helps, it’s helping me learn it a bit better, and it’s interesting to read! I only worry that I’ll come off as disrespectful in my clumsiness, I would hate for that to happen. I’d be delighted to see someone trying to hammer out English in another languaged-comic and giving it their best go, but I could understand everyone not feeling that way, especially if my butchering is grating on the nerves, regretful-lol.

  2. 1 day ago on Breaking Cat News

    My apologies for the clumsy translations this week! While I try to put it together through translating programs and double check it, I sadly do not speak Spanish as a first language myself. Nothing quite compares to that, and a lot of little idioms can get lost. It’s one reason that while I love Tabitha and Figaro, it’s harder to put together broadcasts for them. I feel understandably disrespectful when I get their dialogue wrong, I feel bad it’s not tighter, sorry!

  3. 3 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    This was so very much a true story, lol!! But it is thankfully back up now, thanks to some friends! I’ll have to share the before and after photos somewhere. That cry was real (and it helped!) Ora Zella comforting me was real too, she is a peach.

  4. 3 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    It was a wonderful time!! Thank you so much to everyone who came out! It was wonderful seeing ClobberedbyScience, Christine, Denny, and others! Denny, I’m sorry we didn’t get a chance to finish our talk, I’d meant to catch another quick chat!

    I’m so grateful to how kind and engaged everyone is at the talks, thank you! It makes them so much easier! And a big shoutout to Ridgecrest books, who handled selling the books. I’m learning along the way and one thing I learned about myself is I get anxious juggling the talk, signings, AND selling the books! It was such a nice relief to have that handled, whew!

    I’ll let everyone who was at the talk decide whether or not to reveal the Easter egg, hehe… it may make a brief appearance in the Christmas tale this year!

  5. 16 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Happy birthday!!!

  6. about 1 month ago on Breaking Cat News

    Hello everyone! Thank you for following Sophie’s Summer Adventure so closely and all the love, encouragement, support, rage (ahem lolll), and joy you gave our girl and all the BCN creatures who came out to help! This was a stressful story to roll out, because the start felt so scary and uncertain. I knew we were getting to some GOOD STUFF, but it was tough at the beginning and I thank everyone for hanging in there and trusting me to get us to this third panel today!

    While this was another carefully outlined and plotted story (Starfish Squeaker was always coming home, never fear! I had very much hoped folks would like her and was delighted when the “save Starfish Squeaker” call began in the comments! Ahhh!!) a few things were indeed added in! Such as Mrs. Tidy’s name (thank you, all!!) and a second appearance of Cool Cricket Guy at the end. I’ll mention outside of the story that the Robber Mice made it home safe and sound, (they always do, lol!) because I did not include a wrap up scene for them, alas! Sorry!!

    Thanks to a friend of mine who saw an inked-peek of the third panel and asked “Is the Moon going to be pink?” I realized we’ve never had a pink Moon and while I always strive to get the phase correct (thank you so much for noticing!!), I thought a pink Moon over the Big Pink House would really complete this scene. So, thank you to them for that!

    And thank you to all of you for reading this summer story and getting into it the way you did! You are so much fun to write for! BCN would not be half the strip it is without its audience!! Monday we return to our regularly scheduled broadcasting… for now… (eyes Halloween in the distance….softly high fives Ora Zella…)

  7. about 1 month ago on Breaking Cat News

    I love when folks appreciate the moon phase in the comic, thank you!!

  8. about 1 month ago on Breaking Cat News

    Thank you, Tom!!

  9. about 1 month ago on Breaking Cat News

    Thank you!!!

  10. about 1 month ago on Breaking Cat News

    Yay! There is still time. I hope to send in a recipe too!