Georgia Dunn's Profile
Georgia Dunn Creator
Hello! I'm the cartoonist behind 'Breaking Cat News!' I enjoy illustrating, cartooning, baking, antique shops, old-timey detective shows, and anything with avocados. Wife, mother, cat lover. One day I hope to be a little old lady who rides around town on her bicycle solving mysteries.
I do not mind the nitpicking one bit—it helps, it’s helping me learn it a bit better, and it’s interesting to read! I only worry that I’ll come off as disrespectful in my clumsiness, I would hate for that to happen. I’d be delighted to see someone trying to hammer out English in another languaged-comic and giving it their best go, but I could understand everyone not feeling that way, especially if my butchering is grating on the nerves, regretful-lol.