Much much better than smashing atoms together to see what happens…right Mr. Oppenheimer?
I saw a comment once that said “my last chance for a smokin hot bod is cremation!” Sounds about right.
I always thought if there was a fifth member, he would be a lawyer! You know, production contracts, royalties, all their legal stuff.
At first glance of panel 4 I thought they had shot all the way back to pre-historic times!
…and the thoughts in the teacher’s mind “oh lord, please let me out of this nut house!”
Aw, come on king Priam, the Greeks been bangin on your city walls for 10 years, do you really think they are gonna just give you a present and go home?
Dude, you’ve had a million shots with Brandy…
Hey Cal, you should have been watching the History channel,,,,cause I’m pretty sure you are history.
Dude, where’s the rake?!?!
But but dad, I saw carving’s of you and mom and she was dresses like this too.
Much much better than smashing atoms together to see what happens…right Mr. Oppenheimer?