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  1. 2 days ago on Get Fuzzy

    So if they’re saying to don’t eat no yellow snow, then how much yellow snow are they suggesting one eat? Because it’s obviously a non-zero quantity, based on the title.

  2. 2 days ago on Get Fuzzy

    Definitely not! We spell BETTER than Americans do, not WORSE!

  3. 21 days ago on Get Fuzzy

    Try again. “Archaeologist Barney Sloane has argued that there is insufficient evidence of the extinction of numerous rats in the archaeological record of the medieval waterfront in London, and that the disease spread too quickly to support the thesis that Y. pestis was spread from fleas on rats; he argues that transmission must have been person to person. This theory is supported by research in 2018 which suggested transmission was more likely by body lice and fleas during the second plague pandemic.” The second plague pandemic referenced here is the one referred to as the Black Death, which occurred in the 14th century. The first was the 6th-7th century Plague of Justinian. As for the myth that a Pope ordered the killing of cats all across Europe, it is just that — a myth.

  4. 23 days ago on Get Fuzzy

    I think Godzilla had a heart attack reading this.

  5. 24 days ago on Get Fuzzy

    I have no issues with the breed, as far as their behaviour is concerned, as a lot of their reputation reflects more on bad owners. But I still don’t like the breed in general. Not a fan of the flat-snouts and short-snouts. They just don’t appeal to me, visually. Not as bad as, say, pugs, but just not as nice looking as some other breeds. If I were to have a pet dog, I prefer a breed that’s nice to look at, like labs, retrievers, German shepherds, huskies, etc. Though, I have no intention of being a pet owner, regardless of what animal.

  6. 24 days ago on Get Fuzzy

    Oh, don’t worry. I’m sure you’d still give him at least a bit of a challenge in a game.

  7. 25 days ago on Get Fuzzy

    You forgot the quotation marks around the word “downgrade” in your post. :P

  8. 25 days ago on Get Fuzzy

    Yes, Oct 14, 2025 is the exact date when Windows 10 will be EOL. No more security patches, no more support from Microsoft. My computer is not eligible for Windows 11, so I will either have to use an obsolete OS, or buy a new PC for Windows 11. Or, hope I can find, buy, and install a TPM module for my motherboard to make it support Windows 11.

  9. 25 days ago on Get Fuzzy

    Ah, yes. All the things that are easily modifiable in every version of Windows. Heck, in WinXP I made my own background, mouse cursors, and icons, as well as event sounds! My entire desktop was Office Space themed. My mouse cursor was a pencil (a yellow #2), my wait and busy cursors were floppy disks. Whichever one, between the wait and busy cursors, had the hourglass I animated into the central hub of the floppy rotating, and the metal slider at the top opening and closing. My wallpaper was a collage of images from the movie, the event sounds were audio clips from the movie. My desktop icons were customized, but I can’t remember specifically. I think I had a briefcase with sticky notes for one, the printer from the movie as another, and I forget what my other icons were. That computer stopped working 2018, and I replaced it instead of upgrading, because when I specced out what I needed and what the price would be, it was too expensive compared to buying a refurbished Win10 PC from Best Buy.

  10. 25 days ago on Get Fuzzy

    Seems Rob was a sucker. Vista was an abortion of an OS.