
Maizing Free

My opinion of DST.

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9 Chickweed Lane

9 Chickweed Lane

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Arlo and Janis

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Back to B.C.

Back to B.C.

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The Barn

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Breaking Cat News

Breaking Cat News

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Broom Hilda

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Calvin and Hobbes

Calvin and Hobbes

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Cul de Sac

Cul de Sac

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Dog Eat Doug

Dog Eat Doug

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Dogs of C-Kennel

Dogs of C-Kennel

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The Elderberries

The Elderberries

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Flo and Friends

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FoxTrot Classics

FoxTrot Classics

By Bill Amend
Frank and Ernest

Frank and Ernest

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Grand Avenue

Grand Avenue

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Luann Againn

Luann Againn

By Greg Evans
Maria's Day

Maria's Day

By John Zakour and Scott Roberts


By Brad Anderson
The Meaning of Lila

The Meaning of Lila

By John Forgetta and L.A. Rose
One Big Happy

One Big Happy

By Rick Detorie
The Other Coast

The Other Coast

By Adrian Raeside


By Charles Schulz
Pearls Before Swine

Pearls Before Swine

By Stephan Pastis
Phoebe and Her Unicorn

Phoebe and Her Unicorn

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Pooch Cafe

Pooch Cafe

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Raising Duncan

Raising Duncan

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Red and Rover

Red and Rover

By Brian Basset
Rose is Rose

Rose is Rose

By Don Wimmer and Pat Brady
Scary Gary

Scary Gary

By Mark Buford


By Gary Brookins and Susie MacNelly
Spot the Frog

Spot the Frog

By Mark Heath
Stone Soup

Stone Soup

By Jan Eliot
Swan Eaters

Swan Eaters

By Georgia Dunn
Ten Cats

Ten Cats

By Graham Harrop


By Paul Trap


By Graham Harrop
Wizard of Id

Wizard of Id

By Parker and Hart
Wizard of Id Classics

Wizard of Id Classics

By Parker and Hart
Working Daze

Working Daze

By John Zakour and Scott Roberts
Zack Hill

Zack Hill

By John Deering and John Newcombe


By Tom Wilson & Tom II

Recent Comments

  1. 1 day ago on Cul de Sac

    I don’t remember napping at all, but I do remember one time my mom left my sisters and me with my aunt, and my aunt made me lie on a bed while the others all got to go outside to play (I’m the youngest in my family). I lay on that bed, wide awake, until my aunt let me get up.

  2. 6 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    “I’m so sorry you feel this way about democrats.”

    I just realized today that I insulted both republicans and democrats in one of my comments without clarifying that I was specifically talking about the politicians, not the voters. I apologize for that.

  3. 7 days ago on UFO

    Or maybe, Blue on Blue.

  4. 8 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Ignore that hateful bigot. Don’t give him the satisfaction of any attention. He has TDS, there’s nothing anyone can say to make him behave like a human being.

  5. 10 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    P.S.: If I were the kind of person to reject people because of their political stance, I would not have been active in the comments section of BCN to begin with. What I will not do, is tolerate personal attacks.

    I feel I should also add that I saw an interview that woman did with Anderson Cooper (I think that’s his name). She literally said that she thinks “rape is sexy.” It was obvious to me that she made him extremely uncomfortable. E. Jean Carrol’s story has more holes in it than Swiss cheese and holds up about as well as wet tissue paper. Then, there is the man who was successfully sued for defamation because he repeatedly called Trump a rapist during an interview with a congresswomen. There was no rape. It was a fantasy she made up in her head. Women who make false charges of rape are despicable. They make it so much harder for actual rape victims.

  6. 10 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Yes, it was a riot. What it was not was an insurrection.

  7. 11 days ago on Frank and Ernest

    Gravity: it’s not just a good idea, it’s the law.

  8. 12 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    No cops died that day. There was one cop who died of a stroke a day or two later, but that had nothing to do with the riot. Do you seriously think a cop could have been murdered without the murderer being charged? Not to mention that the majority of the rioters were only charged with trespassing and/or disorderly conduct and no one was charged with insurrection. I guess hyperbole is natural for you, though. That seems to be typical of democrats.

    P.S. I don’t get any of my news from Fox. I get my news from multiple sources, but Fox isn’t one of them. Most of what I know about what happened on Jan sixth is from the videos that have been posted all over the place.

  9. 13 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    1) Rapist: If you are talking about E. Jean Carrol’s case, her story is full of inconsistencies and doesn’t make sense. She has a rape fetish, and there is evidence that she got the idea for her fantasy from an episode of Law & Order. He was also not found guilty of rape. He was found “guilty” of defaming the woman. Personal opinion: She’s so ugly, that I can’t imagine Trump giving her a second look, let alone raping her. Trump may be immoral and a womanizer, but he’s not a rapist.

    2) Felon: He was found “guilty” of fabricated charges and of what amounts to “doing business in New York City.” The cases against him have as much credibility as the cases against Putin’s political opponent before the guy died in prison.

    3) Insurrectionist: If there had actually been an “insurrection,” the people at the January sixth riot would have been armed. Funny how Ray Epps got a slap on the wrist and wasn’t even charged until years after the fact, even though he was out there trying to rile up the protesters, while grannies who took selfies inside the building (that the cops are on camera inviting them to enter) got locked up for years.

    Final Thoughts: Even if there was any credibility to the charges against Trump, I’d still take him over the democrats any day, especially after seeing how Biden and Harris ran the country into the ground. The republicans are a trash dump, but the democrats are raw sewage. If I have to choose between them, I’ll hold my nose and vote republican any day. Especially since all the decent democrats have left the party and gotten on the Trump train.

  10. 14 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    You opened the door, so I’m going to “go there”.

    There are two primary sets of billionaires involved in government right now. Most billionaires just want to live their lives. Bill Gates & George Soros are the primary billionaires involved in the government on the left while Donald Trump & Elon Musk are on the right.

    Gates has brought back malaria by releasing a ton of mosquitoes (which he claims have been sterilized). He has also talked about blotting out the sun as a way to “fix global warming.” Then there are the medical experiments he has conducted in Africa on the native Africans.

    Soros has funded a ton of soft on crime district attorneys. These DAs have released violent criminals who have gone on to commit more violent crimes.

    Trump won the popular vote in the last election, so one can hardly say that he is unelected. He has held onto his popularity throughout his first weeks as president.

    Musk bought Twitter because the old guard there banned the Babylon Bee. He has allowed conservatives to speak there while the left has raged over the end of censorship.

    Funny thing… Trump and Musk used to be on the left and were the darlings of the democrats until they decided to go right.

    Back in 2016, I didn’t know much about Trump, and didn’t vote for him, but I saw how he served as president during his first term. I’ve been on team Trump since then.