Wouldn’t that require Lefty and Skunky to actually… show some degree of affection for each other, rather than them just being paired up as a plot device to make Wally’s life miserable?
The one shadowing Skip last week was named Emily, although she gave her last name as “Roberts” instead of “Matthews” like the Emily of the Shining Twins, so Batiuk only knows if it was supposed to be a new character or if he forgot another character’s name (see also: Mopey Pete, Flash the comic book writer). I THINK (but can’t be positive) this is probably Mindy (Ed’s granddaughter), not Emily (either one) or her twin Amelia (who I think usually dresses in darker colors than Emily?).
But, again, not even Batiuk seems to know who some of these characters are at this point.
It’s more accurate to say that they went to Westview and became teens, then were children again in Centerville until they miraculously became teens again. They were very clearly shown a few months ago as still being children, right up until The Burnings™ storyline where they apparently aged a decade overnight. Why Batiuk does this, we’ll probably never know.
Pam is his daughter, but I’m pretty sure he’s not referring to the Generic Blonde standing next to him. I think that’s probably Mindy (Ed’s granddaughter), although it could be one of about a dozen other Generic Blondes that inhabit the Centerville/Westview geographical area.
With Adam West playing Totally Not William Kuntsler.