We have a floating island; our paddleboard is 5 feet wide and 14 feet long, holds more than 6 people.
With today’s technology its easy, fun and infinitely cheaper to make your own trading cards.
Without any of the fun, or the feel of motion.
Just like the internet, only we never see them.
She may be weary … youtube.COM/watch?v=mK_a2z7Rsc0
Its great to be Canadian; I can vote “Right” without aligning myself with all those maniacal conspiracy theories.
Only because the Liberals are still clinging to power; but not for long, they lost their “Communist” support.
Now that the “Communists” have abandoned him, he will soon be gone. Even his wife left him.
I saw one eating KFC.
That’s my opinion of every gym. Get outside, bike, run, kayak, skate, ski, …
We have a floating island; our paddleboard is 5 feet wide and 14 feet long, holds more than 6 people.