White middle-aged middle-class married heterosexual conservative
The LD-50 for theobromine (the potential poison in chocolate) is about 330 Hershey’s dark chocolate bars, or several pounds of the stuff.
2019? I did not realize these were reruns from six years ago.
Mystic Pizza
Read Terry Pratchett’s Small Gods for perspective on that.
The ancient Japanese believed you should wake a person slowly, to give his spirit a chance to return to his body from the dream world.
Ancient Persian curse: May you live in interesting times.
Worse than that, they thought they were burning lights on the dome of the sky. Of course, that’s exactly what they look like, so…
If you gotta ask, you ain’t never gonna know
And the plot thickens…
…And Evans just made another milestone for the Luann strip.
The LD-50 for theobromine (the potential poison in chocolate) is about 330 Hershey’s dark chocolate bars, or several pounds of the stuff.