
Walter Kocker Free

Viviendo la vida jubilada

Recent Comments

  1. about 13 hours ago on Prickly City

    Agreed. On my last visit to Paris, I found I had to “hopscotch” whilst jogging around massive amounts of dog feces the “owner/walkers” courteously left in situ in their jardins.

  2. about 14 hours ago on Prickly City

    Well, I suppose you could say you could benefit their society as an object lesson showing how, if you don’t pay attention when you vote, your country can become a traitor to you!

  3. about 14 hours ago on Non Sequitur

    Nah, those are Reindeer©, not Unicorns©, Monya

  4. 8 days ago on La Cucaracha

    Yeah, you do seem stupid enough.

  5. 8 days ago on Peanuts

    Somewhere they call them “torpedos” – ’can’t remember where.

  6. 8 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    I take the wheelie bins down to the end of the driveway the night before. The truck(s) come by in the morning. My 85 year-old next door neighbor brings them back up. I thank him, and say he doesn’t have to do that, and he tells me it’s his only exercise. I think he’s (perhaps unconsciously) paying it forward. If anything happens to him, I will do the same for his lady wife.

    Just neighbors being neighborly.

  7. 8 days ago on Non Sequitur

    Agreed. Black guys can carry that look off. White guys just look like thumbs.

  8. 11 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Well, something rather pun- ish for us non-sports fans;-)

  9. 13 days ago on La Cucaracha

    and a big BRAVA to you for so doing, dear Monya;-)

  10. 13 days ago on Non Sequitur

    Project much?