There is an excellent pain reliever from Scotland called Uisge Beatha, (translates as Water of Life). If Andy wants something local for what ales him. He can have some stout “medicinal” drinks, that should leave him less bitter. But he should hop to quickly do something. Yeast he gets so lager-ly he barley remembers what it takes to ferment some fun.
I took a brewery tour with my Dad more years ago then I want to think about. It was to the Olympia Beer brewery in Tumwater, Washington. I still remember all the shiny copper vats where everything was being brewed, (I think – I was around 10 or 12 at the time so my memory is a little hazey.) Now the place is closed and decaying. I believe it was bought by the Pabst Brewing Company. And was closed around 2003.
Things must be hop-ing in that Pub. And there must be some stout fellows in there to make Andy “fly” through the air like that. But Andy will barley remember and wont be bitter about it. And he wont be lager-ly about returning tomorrow. Yeast he forget where he can cadge some money for drinks. Otherwise he will be ale-ing all night long.
Planetary pop quiz
“What’s the closest planet to our sun?”
“Uh, Mercury.”
“Correct! What’s the biggest planet?”
“Right again! Now, think carefully.. What’s the smelliest planet?”
“Uhh. I dunno…”
“Oh god, Dad! Stop!”