As I said, this is more a cultural thing. The vast majority of American Muslims allow women to drive, speak to men in public, and become educated. Some have even become members of the US military. I witnessed this first-hand because I’ve interacted with them in stores and classrooms. Always polite, outgoing, and some have even been of Caucasian descent. There have been very few stereotypes.
Most religions have a problem with religious tolerance and the treatment of women. This usually is more of a cultural thing rather than a result of dogma. You come up a little short regarding your historic knowledge, but is understandable since you seem to be using a Catholic document as your source.
That seems to be your go to response when someone counters your know-it-all attitude. Your type is one of the reasons that comments were turned off on political cartoons.
If you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime…