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  1. 1 day ago on Non Sequitur

    Yeah, sure. Figured you for Russian or Russian complicit anyway with the nonsense you posted.

  2. 1 day ago on Non Sequitur

    Tariffs are hidden taxes on the consumer. Tariffs give the illusion foreign businesses are paying the “tax.” When the reality is it is a tax on the consumers of that products, as the cost is passed onto them.

    MAGA Teabagger Trump and his equally idiotic cabinet are banking on the MAGA Teabagger voters are too stupid to figure that out, since the tax they, well all of us, would be paying won’t show up on a store receipt. MAGA Teabaggers have a hard time with critical thinking. Then again, if they were, they would have never voted for Traitor Trump a second time, let alone a first time.

  3. 1 day ago on Non Sequitur

    Pretty sure it only comes up as Gulf of America in the USA. The rest of the world isn’t going to change the name of the Gulf of Mexico based on the whim of an Orange Lunatic.

  4. 2 days ago on Non Sequitur

    If W. Bush had done it and not gotten into two wars with no exit plan, he could have done victory laps eternally for all I care. Instead he ensured Obama would get saddled with his early debt on the wars, because he was doing Enron math and not putting the wars on his increase to the USA deficit spending. If W. had never given tax cuts to the rich, there might be no national deficit now. Repubs are so weird. They complain about the deficit when Democrats have any power, but when they have power they’ll tell you debt is good. Sigh, because there are far too many people stupid enough to fall for that nonsense, time and time again.

  5. 2 days ago on Non Sequitur

    So, lying comes easy to you. Putin pushed for a President Trump with a large mis/disinformation campaign, enabled by the weakest of American white people. White people with any strength and intelligence aren’t afraid of equality (equity) and inclusion. The whole DEI hiring was to stop unqualified white men getting preferential treatment over everyone else. Another thing that was proved to be necessary, watching a highly decorated, competent, qualified black 4 star general get replaced by a far less qualified white yes man.

    Obama may not have ended a couple of W. Bush’s wars, but he certainly should not get credit for starting them. Especially, since Bush was unable to end his nonsense to begin with. Should have never gone to Iraq, should have never entered Afghanistan. Most importantly, when MAGA Teabagger Trump was president he shouldn’t have negotiated with the Taliban and released over 5,000 Taliban terrorists from Afghan prisons, including their terrorist weak minded leaders. Then make removal dates of the US troops in an extreme short amount of time in attempt to sabotage President Biden’s presidency. Something he learned from W. who used the same idiocy against President Obama in regards to Iraq. Thankfully, President Biden had the skill to get more time, though not as much, as was really needed for a smooth withdrawal. Republicans also sabotaged helping get Afghans out that worked with the USA and were targeted by the Taliban. Making for a first few days of chaos. Which the corporate (right wing) news focused on, even though it was one of the most, if not most successful withdraws of its kind ever.

    Of course, the first thing MAGA Teabagger Trump did when started office this time was release nearly 1,600 American Terrorists. Which of course he did, because he himself has proven to be a terrorist.

    Can’t believe so many people foolishly, if not stupidly voted for this Orange Menace. BTW, if you don’t like me calling you stupid, stop being stupid.

  6. 3 days ago on Non Sequitur

    The midterm elections being interesting is an understatement.

  7. 4 days ago on Non Sequitur

    MAGA: Making Americans Gullible A!!holes.

  8. 4 days ago on Non Sequitur

    Yeah, well we haven’t needed it for a few years.

  9. 4 days ago on Non Sequitur

    They are a fraction of MAGA Teabagger Trump’s. Heck, it’s likely costing taxpayers billions to house his wife at a different undisclosed location, with the Secret Service Agency more likely than not being overcharged for hotels, and such.

    Biden attended zero Super Bowls, zero Nascar races, and zero other high profile sporting events that would have cost millions for him to attend to stoke his own self importance. With more likely to come. Much as Biden may have worked from home, which many are calling vacations, I have a feeling that had a lot to do with Security. There are a lot of violence supporting Repubs in congress that aren’t against showing violent insurrectionists around. Many of which are known to keep weapons in their offices. Also, helps President Biden had qualified and competent people in his cabinet to carry out their jobs. Unlike the yes men Traitor Trump has installed to carry out Putin’s orders. Trump’s time at Mar a Lago cost far more than Biden spending time at his home, without overcharging the Secret Service. Only Traitor Trump lines his own pockets having the USA foot the bill at his hotels and golf courses.

    This both sides do it is complete and utter nonsense.

    Biden and his cabinet got the USA out of a pandemic and a depression in record time.

    Whereas, MAGA Teabagger Trump has the USA and perhaps the world in a very likely spiral towards a Great Depression (about the only thing he’s great at) while his sons and friends are making a killing in the stock market using insider trading.

    I’m sure some Democrats will also do well in the stock market, but only if they pay attention to what MAGA Teabagger Trump’s friends and families are buying and selling. Then again, maybe not, as most Democratic politicians know they are held to a far higher standard than Repubs ever have been.

  10. 4 days ago on Wizard of Id

    Not sure I’m looking forward to that. Not sure what the changes mean for the creators that post here.

    Will see if it resolves or if they are cutting ties with GoComics.