If it is a 100 watt bulb it wouldn’t matter if it was incandescent or LED. But a 100 watt LED bulb would shine a lot brighter than a 100 watt incandescent bulb for those four hours.
We were poor when I was a kid. One of the things I did to get a little bit of money was to walk around and collect soft drink bottles to turn in for the deposit. That is no longer an option. Why not require soft drinks to be bottled in glass (get rid of some of the plastic waste problem) and go back to giving a deposit for the bottles?
You can do a google search on jasonsnakelover gocomics. Or, even easier, if you know his profile number you can go to your profile and replace the number at the end of the url with 3037742.
His comments have been banned from the comics pages. So, you can’t see them here. You can go look at his profile and see his comments if you want. Last time I looked he was still commenting and yelling at the moderators (to no avail) to let his comments be seen.
I am not sure where RBION gets their information about kangaroos killing people in Australia, but this site claims there has only been two people killed by kangaroos in the last 100 years.
List of fatal shark attacks in Australia according to Wikipedia.
If it is a 100 watt bulb it wouldn’t matter if it was incandescent or LED. But a 100 watt LED bulb would shine a lot brighter than a 100 watt incandescent bulb for those four hours.