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Recent Comments

  1. about 3 years ago on Robert Ariail

    Free shipping (no returns).

  2. almost 5 years ago on Clay Bennett

    Thank you for showing that feature on the JH website (click on country to see their curve). I was wondering why I could not see the US data.

  3. over 6 years ago on Ballard Street

    According to Wikipedia, red on yellow means: The letter “Y” or “Yankee”, or “I’m dragging my anchor”. But the wagging tail suggests the dog is too happy to be dragging his anchor.

  4. over 6 years ago on Herman

    Brilliant observation (and very funny)!

  5. over 6 years ago on Pluggers

    Call block, greatest invention since sliced bread.

  6. over 6 years ago on Rip Haywire

    It was such a nice airplane. These characters are heartless!

  7. over 6 years ago on Mutt & Jeff

    There might be an occasional mumble or comment. The pros might even call out the moves and the listeners could play along.

  8. over 6 years ago on Barney & Clyde

    My new word for the day.

  9. over 6 years ago on The Knight Life

    Ooh, a new acronym: MCCL.

  10. over 6 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Very funny, but its not nice to tease NASA.