Sorry but whenever the kids are part of the story line it is always boring. They are always so whiny. I liked it better when they were home and the cat was their focus.
Sorry I hit the button before I finished. Had their fair share of fights. And we weren’t afraid to discipline them. We spanked but never beat. We grounded and sometimes the groundings would be server enough they wished they had gotten a spanking. Only had to do that once.
Teenagers who are not corrected will carry this same attitude on into adulthood. This is why it’s so important to start when they are young correcting them.
He reminds me of one of my older brothers. Especially the second panel. The teenage years are one of the most difficult times for a young person hormones out of wack. Your not a child and your not an adult. Our kids had their
I don’t like dressings I add a very small amount of salt and dive in.