Exorbitantly literal erudite malefactor.
No one knew why Mr. Palms named his son Harry until the boy reached puberty and discovered internet porn.
Free base.
Looks like a sandwich will happen one way or another.
When returning home from a days catch fishermen often dropped a couple fins at the shoreline gentlemen’s club.
The acknowledgment of artificial intelligence verifies that intelligence doesn’t exist and needs to be made up.
Ubable to wet the catbox? Urinary retention is a common and treatable condition. Mathematicians will have to work it out with a pencil.
DISCLAIMER: The generic term “facebook” is fictional and is only meant to represent every social media hangout on the internets.
I hate getting atomically destabilized. There is no mention of quantum physics in the bible. Jesus shaves.
See you all in five years. After reading the warning I forgot the durn comic and now you’re looking back too. We’re all going to the slammer.
Exorbitantly literal erudite malefactor.