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Roscoe got a big laugh out of this one!!!!~!
ready for politics!
fire and rescue need to have a sub station on ballard street!
had a neighbor who bought a jack russel terrier- the dog was a typical hyper jack. woman took him to obedience school——they both flunked!! true story
watched a great movie last night on bullying—called “teacher” really good- sadly bullying does exist in schools and very little is being done about it
been a long time since i’ve been up at midnight for ANY reason!
well, THAT had to be embarrassing!!
btw====just what has happened to our new vice president??? seems to be shoved into the laundry room with the rest of the dirty dirty.playing last chair in the new band.
i see idiot adults shopping in their “jammies” (gag)
emphasis on sarcasm!!
Roscoe got a big laugh out of this one!!!!~!