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  1. 10 days ago on Non Sequitur

    I didn’t wish to end this on a negative note. You and I know what is coming in the near future. We know all of the signs are already in place and would be obvious if only people take time to understand those signs and their fulfillment.

    It is clear that what we read in the anti-God posts above is for the most part severely opinionated ranting. If these people were merely atheists they would feel no compulsion to post such attacks against God and faith… any more than I feel compelled to attack the claims of conspiracy theorists. To me such claims are simply irrelevant.

    However their posts above go far beyond that, consistently. The source behind that kind of mentality and activity is known. Puppets on a string.

    Man’s religion is certainly to blame for a lot of this with its false teaching of eternal hellfire and an unforgiving God, teachings which are the exact opposite of the truth. We know that Jesus will judge according to people’s hearts and willingness to listen.

    Scripture states that the final days will result in the destruction of the wicked. Not all who are not Christian are wicked; they are deceived, misguided, lied to. Were they to understand the reality of things, would they be willing to humble themselves and change their attitude? That could be the deciding factor between eternal life… or removal from infecting mankind.

    Those who feel an irresistible urge to publicly deny God and condemn faith display an attitude unworthy of mercy. But for those who wish to examine these things, there is a positive solution to the problems of mankind.

    The message we offer here is not condemnation, but hope. Atheism offers no such hope. Some may consider what they’ve read here and realize that they’ve never really given God a fair chance to prove Himself. If they overcome that extreme bias and realize that mankind’s hubris has no future to offer, this forum may have some benefit.

  2. 10 days ago on Non Sequitur

    “But if it makes them feel enlightened then so be it.”

    They may feel enlightened, but as you’re already aware, the real enlightenment is yet to come. And my guess is that even then, when there is no doubt, they will still curse God for not bowing to their personal whims and expectations. Humility and the ability to say, “I guess I was wrong” simply isn’t part of their agenda. Ego and spite is their agenda.

  3. 13 days ago on Non Sequitur

    I will explain the first step in opening one’s spiritual eyes: humble yourself enough to approach God in earnest prayer, asking for help. “I don’t know if you’re really out there or not, but if you are I could really use some help in understanding all this.”

    That’s similar to what I did… and the answer was a very enlightening experience. Humility is the key. Of course if one scoffs at such concept as earnest prayer and throws humility out the window, scripture itself states they will achieve no understanding. Why should God help those who intentionally reject him? Why should he assist those too haughty to simply ask for help in gaining insight into truth?

    Yours was the only post I chose to reply to today . The others have already proved their complete lack of humility through opinionated, egotistic attacks on others, on faith, and against God himself. Their rants don’t even warrant further reading, much less respectful reply.

    “and religious beliefs lands squarely in the ‘opinion’ side of things.”

    That’s your opinion. I find evolution to be full of guesswork and conjecture, with evolutionists disagreeing among themselves (just as the religions of man disagree amongst themselves).

    So one could accurately say that “atheistic / evolutionary beliefs land squarely on the ‘opinion’ side of things”. Many scientists deny the very concept of abiogenesis, and many are questioning / rejecting the concepts of evolution.

    Guesswork and conjecture based on incomplete and even falsified data does not equate to fact. So I respectfully point out that your taking it for granted that evolution is true and at the same time wrongly believing faith has no evidence or proof at all, is just biased opinion, not fact. Proof is everywhere, if one only opens their eyes.

    Have you examined scripture enough to make a balanced, rational, valid decision in these things? Or is your statement based on your opinions and unwarranted trust in the questionable claims of man?

  4. 13 days ago on Non Sequitur

    “There’s absolutely no proof that there is anything beyond this life, as much as it pains you to read this, it is a fact… Once such proofs exists I will gladly change my position on the matter.”

    To state again: refusing to acknowledge or denying evidence does not mean it doesn’t exist. It is admirable that you are willing to change your opinion once you see such “proof” (that is in fact, part of the definition of agnostic). But the real question is: are you examining that evidence and proof in an unbiased manner? You cannot prove that which is spiritual by constantly rejecting all such proof.

    As an illustration: Someone who is color-blind looks at a color blind test, and absolutely refuses to admit there is anything there but one color… no matter what others say.

    In order to perceive the workings of God and holy spirit, a person has to at least be willing to open their spiritual eyes. They cannot do that by shutting those eyes tightly and making science their “god”, rejecting all else as “having no proof”.

    The Bible itself states that the first step in understanding God… is humility. I see a degree of humility in your posts and that is commendable. But there is also a definite bias toward the physical and against the spiritual, as if nothing can possibly exist beyond our limited perceptions. So long as that viewpoint remains the case, you can’t hope to see proof and evidence that is in reality all around you… and that exists in you yourself if you would only open your eyes to see it. It’s like the color-blind man.

    One cannot see / examine / understand evidence and proof, if their tendency is to refuse to believe it exists. And I don’t have time, space or willingness to explain the entirety of scripture to those who will reject such explanation no matter what (I do not include you in that group).

    People are expected to do their own homework. ; )

  5. 15 days ago on Non Sequitur

    One more thing beyond that:

    The comic here is a very obvious attack on social media. Yet instead of focusing on that subject, people here could not resist turning this into an attack on religion, from the first post onward. How goofy is that?

    Wanna talk about intolerance, bias, prejudice and bigotry? There it is. And believe this: they do so every chance they get. So what is the agenda / motivation there? Helping others? Giving people hope? Providing insight and wisdom? Or it it more hatefulness, attitude and ego?

    “I’m right and you’re wrong!” would seem should be the cry of poorly-taught children, not mature adults.

  6. 15 days ago on Non Sequitur

    "sets off the pious Christians, who immediately start threatening us with Hell (AZphinfan)

    I don’t believe I’ve seen AZ threaten you with hell. Maybe you’d care to quote such posting.

    "Everybody else who’s name is not found in The Book Of Life will simply cease to exist.

    So if you know this much… then how is it you claim that anyone here has said anyone is going to hell?

    What I read in your post is a considerable rant that is based on groundless claims. Sorry to be so blunt, but your post pulled no punches and indeed, as far as I can tell made false accusations. (Mind you, I haven’t read every post in this forum. This does get absurdly tiring after a while reading post after post that is nothing but hateful, bigoted attitude.)

    Look, I understand people’s distaste for religion. I’ve said this already. It has a lousy history. But religion is a creation of man. Originally Christianity was just called “The Way”… the one true way of life. Someday it will be like that again; there will be no religion, just a way of life in which everyone alive understands the reality of how this universe came into existence. Until then, religion (as well as other things mankind has corrupted) are all still going to cause problems on this Earth.

    Beyond that though, condemning faith is frankly an asinine pastime that displays one’s own ignorance and intolerance, not that of others.

  7. 15 days ago on Non Sequitur

    I understand your post that “atheists aren’t interested in religion”… and in truth, real atheists are not. They argue neither for nor against it. They are as indifferent to it as I am to things I do not believe— such as Flat Earth or Never Been to the Moon conspiracy theories. They just don’t matter to me.

    But that’s not what we see in these forums is it? We see atheists trashing God and faith in thread after thread, post after post, comic after comic, repeatedly. So I present this question: Why? Thus far I’ve only seen one rational answer to that question on this forum, and I didn’t answer that question out of respect for a well-stated opinion. I just let it sit as is.

    I appreciate you speaking your mind. But you need realize that if others here have the right to state their opinions against scripture, I have right to counter such posts with scripture. You don’t get to pick and choose who gets to post what based on your own bias. Correct?

    We see people here regularly and constantly posting openly blasphemous, atheistic statements… then we see Bil self-righteously label me a “bible thumper” because I refute his statements. So I have to ask you: why do you reply to me, yet fail to condemn such openly trollish tactics?

    In my view your post is not just opinion; it exhibits bias. Otherwise, I think we would see you mentioning to the atheist lot that their attacks upon faith are both irrational and unwarranted, would you not? What we see instead is you upbraiding me for merely quoting scripture, yet not saying a word to them for their openly and intentionally antagonistic “opinions” as you call them.

    Methinks such view more than a little lopsided, and warrants self-examination. Because if they have the right to post the haughty attacks they’ve posted above, we certainly have the right to refute such and defend our beliefs… including quotation of scripture they so vehemently and constantly attack.

  8. 15 days ago on Non Sequitur

    When I speak of debunking their posts, I mean exposing false claims they have made. Sometimes such claims are of ignorance (but presented with all the arrogance they can muster). Sometimes they are intentional misrepresentations, just to confuse the discussion.

    Otherwise I don’t need to “debunk”; simple friendly discussion is sufficient.

    Sometimes someone tries to openly attack scripture— but in reality have misquoted or exhibited a lack of understanding of scripture… or have obviously merely parroted what they’ve heard rather than examining the scriptures themselves.

    It also happens when someone makes a scientific claim that science itself denies.

    The thing is this: I make at least some effort to heavily research what I post on these forums. (I know several other posters who have the same policy.) I can’t say the same for many others here.

    We see a lot of personal opinions, bias, insults, labeling, but little in the way of actual research, examination and real knowledge. This is not surprising: their goal is to tear down, not build up. It doesn’t take knowledge and understanding to try to damage something. It takes quite a bit to protect it.

    I am not saying that all atheists do no research or aren’t educated. Many people here are highly educated. But most are not educated both in secular and spiritual matters, so when they attack God and scripture, most of the time they attack that which they really do not know or understand, and their posts are biased.

    “For the faithful will know understanding, while the wicked will not understand.” They cannot possibly hope to understand God, scripture and faith when they intentionally reject such. Bigotry does not lead to wisdom.

    So when I said “debunk”… that’s what I meant. Interestingly they never respond to such posts. They just change the subject and keep arguing… which is why at a certain point, continuing such conversation becomes pointless.

  9. 15 days ago on Non Sequitur

    I would have to believe that posting “Religions: the first fake news” is more than just “a statement of opinion”.

    And frankly, I wouldn’t have replied to that post… because by and large I agree with him. Religion by and large has been a pox on mankind since… mankind.

    But then came the following posts that had to take things to extreme… as they always do. No, they weren’t just “posting opinions”. They were being intentionally offensive and blasphemous… as is pretty much always the case.

    If you choose to defend that kind of attitude, that’s your decision. If so, then consider my replies as “my opinion” in response to theirs. If they’re going to attack faith and religion and it’s “just opinion”, then defending faith is opinion too, is it not?

    Perhaps reading more closely will help establish a pattern that has been repeated throughout these forums: people openly attacking God, religion and faith… then attacking those who defend such, then when their arguments no longer hold water they start labeling and trolling. It’s a common tactic, often used. It’s neither as innocent as you present, nor as harmless.

    This is especially so if what they say is false, and misleads people so that they don’t see what’s actually going on in the world around us… things that were prophesied 2,000 years ago to come about. “But they took no notice…”

    Atheist, agnostic, Christian, pseudo-Christian, whatever faith, people have to make their own decisions. But for people to come here and deride Christians for being Christian while they ply their atheistic dogma at the same time seems a bit hypocritical, don’t you think?

  10. 15 days ago on Non Sequitur

    “From there you should be able to deduce how happy your public bible-thumping thrills me.”

    Once again you use the term “bible-thumping”, when all I’ve done is defend God and the Bible against your direct and intentional attacks. If you (or others) hadn’t attacked in the first place, I wouldn’t have responded.

    So “bible-thumping”? I don’t think so.

    On the other hand, you should be able to deduce how your rude, openly antagonistic anti-faith posts thrill me.

    Note that I understand attitudes such as yours exist, and always have… and will until the end days. You think you can post anything you like… but when others reply to, refute, or totally debunk your posts, suddenly you start throwing bigot-based labels such as “bible-thumper”, as if that paints your posts any more accurate or any less obnoxious to begin with.

    I quote scripture when you (or others) attack scripture. I defend God and the Bible when you attack it. It is never the other way around. So claim what you will, misrepresent what you will, twist truth as you like… but attacking someone’s faith and then blaming them for responding is basic trolling under a facade of innocence… and nothing more.

    If you don’t like people quoting scripture, don’t attack scripture. That should be one of those “duh” things, yeah? If you punch someone in the nose, you have no right to complain if they punch back… or at least tell you that you are way out of line. All I can do is hope that you wake up before the final punch comes. And since you hate scripture so very, very much:

    “For God desires none to perish, but for all to attain to repentance.”

    In other words, if people turn from being haughty and wicked, he’ll work with us.

    I know you’ll have some snarky reply to that, but there’s the scripture in black and white. Note that scripture doesn’t say all will attain to repentance. Free will: it can be a blessing or a curse, as we decide to make it.