No bio available
And now he’s fallen on hard times and will return to a bleak house.
The emperor’s new phone is no better than last year’s.
Maybe if the ink had been gazpacho.
1960s. We’d be left in the car with the keys so we could listen to the hits on the radio. If it was a grocery store, they usually had spinner racks with comic books. That’s where I would wait. Life was safer and a lot more sane back then.
And then become a member of Congress.
I’m sure Frederick Wertham is delighted in the nether regions.
I think this is supposed to be Dr. Jekyl. You can’t Hyde from today’s technology.
It is wrong. He formed an island of lemmings.
I never placed much stake in the beach either.
And now he’s fallen on hard times and will return to a bleak house.