Harvey is a 1950 American comedy-drama film starring James Stewart. The story centers on a man whose best friend is a tall white invisible rabbit, and the ensuing debacle when the man’s sister tries to have him committed to a sanatorium.
Harvey is a 1950 American comedy-drama film starring James Stewart. The story centers on a man whose best friend is a tall white invisible rabbit, and the ensuing debacle when the man’s sister tries to have him committed to a sanatorium.
Listen, and understand! That Terminator is out there! It can’t be bargained with. It can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop… ever, until you are dead! …oh, wait.. that’s the Killbot. Military AI is coming.
Mitigation for the problems of waste, including plastics, forever chemicals, toxic substances, etc. is available in the form of Plasma Incineration. This process reduces waste products to their individual atoms, the resultant materials are a hydrocarbon gas that can be used for fuel and a glassy slag material that can be used for construction. It can generate net positive energy. There are a few operational plants now, building more takes money, but doing so could simultaneously solve waste and energy problems.
Christmas Music <3 Deck the Halls with Advertising.. Fa la la la :p