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  1. 1 day ago on Luann

    Not sure if anyone else mentioned this, but the story that is running now is Brad and Toni imagining what Shannon would be like if they had raised her instead of her narcissistic brother. This story started yesterday.

  2. 1 day ago on For Better or For Worse

    Guessing it is a neighbor at the door reacting to Edgar’s shenanigans.

  3. 1 day ago on Doonesbury

    Just did a bit of research.. the first couple of weeks of Doonesbury were just Mike and BD, who became roommates at the beginning of their college days. I could not find the beginning of Boopsie on Google. I hit the double-back arrow to start at the beginning (Oct 1970) and Mike and BD were the only continuing characters until Mark, the campus rebel, was introduced late Nov, 1971, then Mark’s parents near the end of the year. Boopsie, Sept 15, 1971,Zonker, Sept 21, 1971. Phred was in 1972, as was Joanie. Duke in 1974 and Honey in 1976. Who did I forget… oh yes, Rev. Scot Sloan Jan, 1972. In my research, going through the dailies from the beginning for the first 3 months, most were about Mike & BD roomie struggles, BD addressing the nameless players in the huddle and Mike’s inability to attract women… until Mark appeared with the campus protests. It was fun going through the early strips and I was thankful to see the development of each of the characters.

  4. 11 days ago on PreTeena

    Grammar cop here… Novocaine is the correct spelling. Wow, that felt so good! Everybody loves a good grammar cop, right?

  5. 11 days ago on Heart of the City

    Toby or not Toby… that is the question

  6. 23 days ago on On A Claire Day

    NOT the most hideous couch imaginable… I could never imagine something like that! It is WTF? to the Nth degree!!!

  7. about 1 month ago on Heart of the City

    Of course, as you all realize (though probably not) that there is no person named Heart or all her friends and frienemies in middle school in Philadelphia. This is a comic strip… imagined characters in an imagined reality. Sheesh! A large number of comments in most of these strips are giving advice to non-existent characters. Then again, isn’t that what our minds do much of the time… imagining things being other then they are?

  8. 2 months ago on Annie

    No he’s not, Davidf42… this is a comic strip. It is not real. Of course you know this and are simply baiting the readers… sheesh!

  9. 3 months ago on Red and Rover

    The balls now are smaller, 1.75" compared to 1.93". They do now have quite the same bounce as the originals due to the slightly smaller size. Here is a story about them that I just read: Lamar Hunt, founder of the American Football League and owner of the Kansas City Chiefs, watched his children playing with a Super Ball and then coined the term Super Bowl. He wrote a letter to NFL commissioner Pete Rozelle dated July 25, 1966: “I have kiddingly called it the ‘Super Bowl,’ which obviously can be improved upon.” The league’s franchise owners had decided on the name AFL–NFL World Championship Game, but the media immediately picked up on Hunt’s Super Bowl name, which became official beginning with the third annual game in 1969.

  10. 3 months ago on Red and Rover

    They were slightly larger then (read the history) and bouncier than the present ones. Here is a great story I just read. Lamar Hunt, the person who founded the AFL in the 60’s, was at home watching his kids play with super balls. An idea came to him. The AFL was, by that time, developed enough to where they were talking about a championship game against the NFL. He called Pete Rozelle (the NFL Commissioner) and jokingly suggested that they call the game The Super Bowl. Instead of laughing, Rozelle accepted the idea. That story was on the Wikipedia history of the super ball.