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  1. 23 days ago on Aunty Acid

    STOP doing all that housework, you are fighting a losing battle that is impossible to win, this because the second law of thermodynamics states: “that as one goes forward in time, the net entropy or degree of disorder in any isolated or closed system will always increase”.

    If you simply stop all housework, after 4 years the dust and dirt gets to the point where you will start to ignore it all and you simply resign yourself to its constant presence.

    You need to have a lot of courage and will power to get through those first 4 years.

    Be brave and strong, you can finally free yourself from the tyranny of housework.

  2. 2 months ago on Broom Hilda

    Do a search on Amazon for “donald trump bobblehead dolls” or “trump bobbleheads” and you will find a variety of to choose from, if your a Trump supporter.

  3. 5 months ago on Loose Parts

    You wouldn’t want to meet the cat they built that for!!!!!.

  4. 5 months ago on B.C.

    As you get older it’s not just the summer seasons that go by faster, it is the years and decades which seem to zip past you with alarming speed.

    All of a sudden you find yourself in your later years and wondering just where did all that time go.

    Then you get chilling reminders of your mortality when your health begins to fail and you inevitably start ponder just how many more years you have left to live, it’s very unsettling indeed.

  5. 6 months ago on Loose Parts

    I was woken by a strange noise at 3am in the morning coming from the Kitchen, I dashed out there and switched on the light to greeted by the sight of Ashley my Russian Blue cat’s butt wiggling about about as he was in the exact same position try to get some meaty bones out of my bin.

    I wish I had thought to take a picture of him like that, but the memory still gives me a good laugh.

  6. 6 months ago on B.C.

    OK, I admit that has happened to me when I heard the landline phone ring and in my rush to answer it I simply dropped the rake in a very leaf strewn area that I was cleaning up.

    I came back to finish my work and the rake was almost covered by leaves…… The sudden painful whack made me realised exactly where it was.

    Fortunately I suffered NO bruising or injury at all, just a bad case of sheer embarrassment as a neighbour had seen it all and had a good laugh at my misfortune caused by my carelessness.

  7. 6 months ago on Broom Hilda

    Who has claimed they repress that need?, it doesn’t take much room for masturbation to happen and they could quite easily satisfy that basic need while others are sleeping or during visits to the toilet/bathroom facilities.

  8. 7 months ago on Broom Hilda

    Try the App Store for your phone, there are most likely many apps which can enable your phone to be used as a torch or magnifier.

    Shop around carefully, I am sure you will find many other phone brands with these features.

  9. 7 months ago on Aunty Acid

    No that is the best thing, because you know you have looking after yourself and your efforts have paid off!.

  10. 10 months ago on The Humble Stumble

    Maybe Molly preferred to be with her Dad, she obviously has a quite good relationship with him and they have lots of fun together.

    Maybe Mom had a very demanding job and felt she couldn’t devote enough time to her as would have wished to.

    There are so many if’s, buts, what if’s or maybe’s to possibly consider.

    It’s humorous comic, try not to over analyze things, simply enjoy it for what it is.