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Recent Comments

  1. almost 7 years ago on Garfield

    The long lost cat returns for one episode.

  2. almost 7 years ago on Garfield

    Move into the forest. No toys. Done.

  3. almost 7 years ago on Garfield

    Not like animals care. Drop a peanut and a cat or dog will eat it.

  4. almost 7 years ago on Garfield

    Garfield has a lot of dental implants.

  5. almost 7 years ago on Garfield

    Doggy Breath kills. So it’s way worse.

  6. almost 7 years ago on Pooch Cafe

    Skunk versus Raccoon in ping pong. Though he can cheat in one round by quickly turning around and spraying him in the face.

  7. almost 7 years ago on Garfield

    Good. They taste so flat without salt anyways.

  8. almost 7 years ago on Lio

    He got tired of being rejected, so he used a magic art board.

  9. almost 7 years ago on Lio

    TV has ROPED you in.

  10. almost 7 years ago on Pooch Cafe

    If a soggy dollar grows trees, I’m planting a hundred dollar bill. That is if the tree changes the barcodes on them.