In Pennsylvania, the VIN, owner, address, make, model, and year are all part of the registration, and is available electronically to the police. All they have to do is call up the plate number and they get everything. That’s how they knew the plate did not belong on a white van.
I have seen this strip in its first inception, and I am aware of hormonal fluctuations in teens, both male and female. That does not negate the fact that Elizabeth is angry about a situation she caused herself. Her hormones, at this point, are not the reason she is upset.
Seriously? What an insensitive, misogynistic comment! She just broke up with her boyfriend and got screwed over by her girlfriend and you think it is hormones?!? Like she doesn’t have the right to be upset? You are a chauvinist. What would have said if the events had been switched? Would Anthony have had “hormones” if he had been screwed by one of his friends after he dumped Elizabeth?
Yes. We know but they don’t. But they will find out.