If it helps, I have a Moroccan leather jacket. I ofter wonder how many Moroccans died to make it. Wait!! maybe those Moroccans dies of natural causes and were skinned with love and intricate religious rites.
HMMM. Let me think. The last mayor of my city who was unelected, also had trophy wives. 2 of them, probably on a 5 yr contract each. He also went to the Academy of Donald Trump, where he took the course Lying Sniveling Weasel 101. History truly does repeat itself.
Hollywood’s been around for – what? 100 yrs? Sexual harassment went hand in hand with the Hollywood crowd, and it’s just now that it’s coming out???? To add to this, anyone of note is also getting pointed at. With all the spin doctor bullshit going on, how much is true (I’ll guess most of it) and how much of it is someone looking to boost their profile? Now I am afraid to ask a woman out for fear that I will say something “currently” wrong.
Some years ago the trendy thing was coming out as gay. Why did I need to know that on the front page?? How was that my business?? What new trend will spring up next year??
I’m confused. Allegedly, most marcans didn’t vote for Trump, Yet there seems to be so much support for the narrow minded greedy pompous semi illiterate twit. You guys need to stand back and look at this from a distance. See what the rest of the world sees.
Is it about to hit the fan? Will Phil’s world go up in smoke? Tune in for the next installment, folks, of “As The World Crumbles” also known as “America, What a Tough Town”
I’m going to start a business. Rent-a-Bimbo. I’ll charge by height in inches x bra cup size. There seems to be way too many unresolved old farts with more money that brains
Vandalism will not be tolerated. She should have kicked him in the jingle bells and beat him senseless with a garbage can.