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Recent Comments

  1. about 8 hours ago on B.C.

    As with all things, you can believe whatever you wish. That’s the beauty of our free society in the USA.

  2. about 8 hours ago on Shoe

    You’re right. In this strip, money changing hands seems to be a sin. Perhaps they’ve achieved the heaven state of Earth in the 2400’s.

  3. about 8 hours ago on The Born Loser

    Well, you might can forgive me as I am called the senior pastor, though I’m not sure what I’m senior to.

  4. about 8 hours ago on Peanuts

    Well, still, a doggie that does needle point doesn’t fill me with confidence.

  5. about 8 hours ago on Ripley's Believe It or Not

    So, my beard can protect some of my neck from sun damage. It can also cover up the coming turkey neck of old age.

  6. about 8 hours ago on Broom Hilda

    Don’t these publishers know that imitation is the sincerest from of flattery?. And seeing that Broomie is over 1500 year old, how do we know that she didn’t write the book that Hemingway plagiarized.

  7. about 9 hours ago on Overboard

    I guess dogs have the world over been turned off from the vacuums due to their sound what with their acute sense of hearing and smell. It’s like another round of fireworks only continuous. Freighting. Henry should put the vac back in the closet to put Louie’s mind at ease.

  8. about 9 hours ago on The Born Loser

    It’s too bad the cook didn’t try for 4 alarm chili, then maybe the while diner would’ve been burnt down.

  9. about 11 hours ago on Shoe

    Wait until you see her bill and you’ll be way past being tense.

  10. about 11 hours ago on Wizard of Id

    And this is how Id treats its grand piano; if you can’t play it, toss it?