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Its, not it’s. You never use an apostrophe with the neuter possessive pronoun.
They’re preparing for the economic collapse that is inevitably coming, by practicing hunting for food. The implication is that the collapse will be so bad we’ll go back to “caveman days.”
Funnier if Roz said “She’s already had her hips and knees replaced.”
Why are the comments all scrambled?
Band aid, too compassionate for Bucky.
No bird brain here.
Or, “mwazjt ack ack zloob” (Get the anal probe ready).
That’s no bull.
As kids we’d ask my dad what’s for dinner and he’d always say, “fish heads and rice”. So Bucky it could be worse.
“Shhs don’t fight it…”
Its, not it’s. You never use an apostrophe with the neuter possessive pronoun.