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Recent Comments

  1. almost 5 years ago on Swan Eaters

    Could also be a symptom of syphilis. . .

  2. almost 5 years ago on Signe Wilkinson

    To me, we are asking the WRONG question. The question is NOT ‘Should healthcare be for profit?’ but closer to the truth would be ‘Should healthcare MANAGEMENT be for profit?’. The answer, again IMO, is NO. If healthcare management is for profit (as it is currently), the whole Hippocratic Oath goes out the window. The Hippocratic Oath does NOT say “Do no ‘physical’ harm”. Financial harm is still harm and very destructive. And when healthcare management is for profit, decisions are made which DO cause financial harm (and physical harm too). As for the costs of non-profit, ‘socialized’ medicine – its actually less expensive – the data proves this point – look at the cost of healthcare in other 1st World countries – much less than ours, with the profit motive removed and all the insane, extra layers of bureaucracies and their overhead costs resulting from so many for-profit healthcare companies. (and as another commenter pointed out – with a link to a story about an American in Germany getting healthcare/dental care – many other benefits also)

  3. almost 5 years ago on Brevity

    So glad you mentioned this history. Outside the US, Fanta is still huge in many 3rd World countries. I have no problem with Fanta’s Nazi history – just find it one of history’s curiosities.

  4. almost 5 years ago on Matt Wuerker

    Perfectly accurate. The drawing would be extremely accurate IF they’d drawn their mouths on their butts.

  5. almost 5 years ago on Matt Wuerker

    And then remember that 64% of bottled water comes from municipal tap water & we wasted 31 BILLION dollars on this asinine product in 2018 (facts from Nov. Consumer Reports). Not to mention all the plastic added to our environment AND the carbon increase from fuel used, to ship water (@ 8#s a gallon) around the World. So asinine. Just buy a water filter pitcher. I use filters not for any health reasons – just so I get better tasting (meaning no taste) water, thereby encouraging me to drink more (got to give our organs a chance to filter out all the crap we intake).

  6. almost 5 years ago on Fowl Language

    Are you making a joke? Met the guy 30 years ago. Then, I was 5’10" and he had a good 3+ inches on me. Photos on-line shown with other bodybuilders (all of them with bare feet) show him to be at a minimum of 6’1". Of course he’s shrunk with age but can’t be less than 5’11" today???

  7. about 5 years ago on Lug Nuts

    Cool, learned a new word. Next time I see some Pronghorns jumping straight up, then I’ll know what to call it. Oh right, Pronghorns don’t Pronk- too bad.

  8. about 5 years ago on The Bent Pinky

    THANKS – needed the memory jog

  9. about 5 years ago on Adult Children

    Well, at least console yourself, since she hasn’t hit Purdue Pharma yet

  10. about 5 years ago on Dick Tracy

    Try googling ‘bated breath vs baited breath’. Our language is fluid – change being the ONLY constant – so if its changed from my English learnings in the 50s, so be it. I’m good with it. Technically, abate means ‘reduce’ – in the case of this saying, its used as in reducing (or holding) breath until you get the answer/reply/action or reaction to the situation.